

  • Nicknames

    The Charming family is amused when they discover Belle's nickname for Gold.

  • I Will Be Brave

    Yugi confesses his love to Yami.

  • Ready to Run

    Mai wakes up on her wedding day ready to spend the rest of her life with Joey.

  • The Last Night

    I wrote this after reading the book in school. On the night before Gatsby dies, he invites Nick over..Confessions are made and they create a night to remember. The next morning, dreams are shattered. Nick POV.

  • Every Hour Has Come to This

    Yugi lives the rest of his life on earth without Yami, never really getting over him. In the afterlife, though, he finds more luck when it comes to being with his soulmate.

  • Light from Darkness

    In which Yami is really thankful for his hikari.