
  • bury it and raise above

    "James? Do you believe in magic?" Or Lily is a Witch. James is a Muggle. It's not easier.

  • Paralelo

    Duas retas paralelas só se encontram no infinito; Tiago Potter, o esquisito da Grifinória, estava prestes a descobrir que um detalhe pode mudar toda a jornada - mas nunca o destino final. Tiago/Lily. Universo Alternativo.

  • Until Springs Come Again

    All Prince James Potter wanted was to live happily in Gryffindor Kingdom with his best friend Lily. But when evil forces conspire to take his throne, he needs to choose between a life of mischief or to become the king he should be. (Inspired by The Lion King).

  • Eyes glistening (with the ghost of my past)

    When Rita Skeeter asked Harry how his parents would feel about him competing in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry didn't know. A Jily Lives AU oneshot to answer this question.

  • Five Stages of Starflower

    James is oblivious, Lily is mostly okay with her unrequited love and Sirius has a few plans about this situation. (Canon Jily)

  • Captain Potter

    Lily Evans has a secret that the army cannot find out and it doesn't help that her captain is trying to be her friend. [Oneshot] [Inspired in Mulan]

  • Glimpses of the future

    Lily traces the third line of his hand. The loveline. 'What's going on with your heart, Potter'. He wishes he knew. [Oneshot] [Canon compliant]

  • A cup of tea

    The worst thing that Lily could ever do to her sister was let Harry and Dudley be cousins. Or a look at how Harry and Dudley's friendship could be in a world without Voldemort.

  • Single Rider

    Muggle AU! "Singles will be paired", it says in the roller coaster board, so now James needs a partner ride.

  • Come fly with me

    In which Ginny can't help but follow her stupidest ideas and Harry is just happy to spend some time alone with his girlfriend. Fluffy Hinny moment, set during Half-Blood Prince.

  • Chasing dreams

    When Ginny Potter is having doubts about her pregnancy, her father-in-law shows up to give her some help, to fly together and, of course, to present his suggestion of baby names.

  • A new beginning

    Harry and Ginny in the aftermath of the battle, getting back together and deciding to live. Nine pieces following them through May to September of 1998.

  • A Figment of Your Imagination

    After fighting with Lupin in Grimmauld Place, Harry wondered if his father would have approved what he had said to Lupin. Fortunately, James comes to give Remus his piece of mind. Set during Deathly Hallows, a sort of a Missing Moment.

  • Mistletoes

    Genderbend!Jily. Quando Liam Evans e Jamie Potter ficam presos debaixo de um visgo enfeitiçado, só há uma única solução realmente para eles escaparem. Oneshot.

  • Um novo começo

    Harry e Gina encaram um novo começo nos meses seguintes à Batalha de Hogwarts. Relatos de maio a setembro de 1998.

  • O que deveria ter sido

    Sete momentos na vida de Tiago Potter com Lily Evans, que ele esperou e alcançou. Seis histórias que foram e uma que deveria ter sido. Em e PósHogwarts. Romance. Drama. Um pouco de humor.

  • O parquinho

    “A roda está enferrujada, Lily”, Severus responde, se virando para ir embora. “Volte para o seu marido”. “Adeus... Sev”. Severus/Lily, pós-DH

  • March 21st

    É tudo pressão da sociedade, sinceramente, exigir que as pessoas tenham um par para o baile. Mas se eu quero me divertir por uma noite... Ainda assim, é muito estranho essa idéia de convidar Tiago Potter para o baile. Continuação de February 14th T/L.

  • Harry Holidays

    Estar apaixonado pela irmã do melhor amigo não era algo que Harry planejava – mas, que coisa melhor se tem para fazer no Feriado de Natal do que prová-la que ele seria um namorado ideal? E cadê o Lord das Trevas quando se precisa dele? Missing moment.

  • Two Journeys

    Two sides of the same coin – Two versions of Ginny Weasley in two different universes, and, yet, the same love for the same hero. Harry/Ginny. Parallel between movie and book.