
  • Minor Mistake

    Ron pays his future wife a visit the night before the wedding.

  • Not Her

    One word is enough to break a heart.

  • The Secret Meeting

    Lucius needs to make things clear. -Slightly Not Canon Compliant-

  • Last Dance

    Parties should be happy ocassions...right? Right?

  • Just my luck

    I refuse to make the same mistake again. My first time writing these two! -Not Canon Compliant- --Not Betaed--

  • Surprise visit

    Luna entered the office with a determined look on her face. Percy couldn't help but drop his quill at the sight of her. -Not canon compliant- --Not Betaed--

  • Restoring trust

    Trust is the foundation of a relationship. Any kind of relationship. -Not canon compliant-

  • Plan B

    George hated when Luna cried. This one won Mod's Choice! -Not canon compliant-

  • Perfect deal

    Discovering who you are is a hard thing. Some people live all their life without figuring it out. Luckily, George has someone willing to help him. Written for a George fest! Surprisingly, it's canon compliant. Read the warnings!

  • Helping Friend

    Ron needs to finish his essay but sleep is wining the battle. Fic inspired by art. Could be canon compliant or not canon compliant.

  • Not too late

    The least I can do is try. Possibility of not canon compliant.

  • Fear

    Victoire is scared and turns to her grandmother's wise advise. --Not Betaed--

  • Fred&George Stories

    I participated on the Twincestabration 2010. A few drabbles about the twins were written every week during April to celebrate their birthday. Each chapter a diferent story, rating and probably other characters. Canon and not canon compliant --Not Betaed--

  • More than just a dance

    JKR forgot to mention what happened to the Durmstrang Champion after the Yule Ball, right?

  • After the photoshoot

    After his photoshoot, Hugo had a little sitution to take care of. --Not betaed--

  • I'll be back

    His hand ruffled between the wrinkled sheets by his side, crushing any hope he had and filling his heart with the ever familiar emptiness that came every week. - This one won first palce and Mod's choice!

  • Gold Digger Snake

    Pansy was already there - a place so out of her league than no one would even dare to think she had been ever been there.

  • I'll Say

    'One kiss breaches the distance between friendship and love'. Or it may just ruin the friendship. What would it be for Rose? Originally written as a gift for a fest. -someone suggested I change the rating from K to T, so just in case...-

  • A quarter after one

    Blaise knew she would never come back to him. Daphne had made her choice and he couldn't blame her. AU

  • Lá Fhéile Pádraig St Patrick's Day in Irish

    We all know Seamus is a charming boy. He's just trying to find a charming girl.