
  • Operation Frostbite

    "Weapons of mass destruction don't make good children." Hydra is no stranger to secrets. Their latest remains buried so deep no one knows it exists. Not even its own mother. Human experimentation comes at a price to the world, as Hydra's secrets with the Red Room are revealed, and all hell breaks loose. Takes place just after Age of Ultron.

  • Looking for Trouble

    MI6 Agent Charlotte "Charlie" Miles has been re-assigned. An old friend offers her a job within S.H.I.E.L.D., and Charlie finds herself having to work along side the Avengers, including a particular red-haired Russian she can't stop thinking aining is hard, bit it's harder to run from your past when people keep trying to dig it up. Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC

  • Pandora's Box - The First Year

    Pandora spent her whole life with the Tonks, waiting until the day until she could attend Hogwarts. In September 1992, she is ready to go. But now she knows the truth - the truth of her linage that currently sits in a cell in Azkaban Prison. My Own take of a Sirius Black Daughter OC!