Amelia Alexandra

  • Those who can't do, teach

    Voldemort survived the last battle. The Wizarding world wants to execute him. Harry does not want to spill any more magical blood. Perhaps the solution to the curse on the DADA position at Hogwarts is the man who cast the curse? Harry ends up with a slave he doesn't know he he has and a position as the assistant DADA professor to Voldemorts position as the DADA professor.

  • Last Resort

    As a last resort to figure out a puzzle, the case leads Harry to Azkaban where the previous dark lord is serving a lifetime sentence. In hindsight he might remember why one does not visit a shelter unless one is prepared to adopt a stray, or in this case a slave... In which Voldemort isn having the easiest time in prisoned and Harry has a savior complex.

  • A Thin Line

    War changes people, forces them to become the monsters from their nightmares that they are hunting. Light and darkness bleeds together leaving behind a dark, mattered grey. Harry is told revenge is said to solve nothing, but why then does it taste so sweet?

  • Cat got your tongue?

    One, black paw was delicately placed on the table as the cat came sliding out of the carrier, looking like a black panther. And if looks could kill, Harry thought, then Dumbledore would be six feet under. "Uhm," Harry said staring at the large, black cat in the middle of the table. "Why does it have red eyes?"

  • C'est la vie

    A planed meeting goes everything but as planed. A Dark Lord in the wrong place at the wrong time. A spy who sees an opportunity. A Headmaster who might have found a way to bring the Dark Lord to heel once and for all. And Harry stuck with a possession he didn t want.

  • A Christmas Carol

    A job that takes longer than expected, stranding the team in a new city over the Christmas Holiday, forces forth a slightly crazy idea of trying to put together some sort of Christmas Eve celebration, but it might be something that forces them to revaluate their opinion of each other.