
lovely rubber boots

  • The Art of Ignoring Good Advice

    In which Roxane, James and Lucy all ignore good advice.

  • Dear Victoire

    Dominique writes a letter to her sister. Rating for the P.S. of the letter, which you can skip very easily. The rest of the letter is K

  • Naked

    James Sirius Potter had never been so thankful to see Hugo's cat.

  • Cackle

    A cackle. Her laugh is like a cackle. It pierces the air ungracefully. It jabs at sounds with a rusty sword, challenging everyone around to both close their ears to the vile sound while opening them as well, bracing themselves for its strange melody.

  • Incest

    In which James keeps talking too long and lives to regret having said anything at all. NOT actually about incest.

  • The Tentaculas

    Venomous Tentaculas are difficult to care for. They are finicky plants, and they tend to die within a year. Bellatrix and Narcissa and their plants. One shot.

  • Molly's Intuition

    “No… It was when I was ten. I saw the way they looked at each other and I knew. Right then and there,” Molly said. “I have a seventh sense about these things.” Molly and Lucy disucss love and marriage.

  • Sneakers and Seekers

    Fred asks James to find out where Roxanne's been sneaking off to. Featuring: many Weasley cousins, and some Scamanders.

  • Not Really a Cousin

    “Victoire!” Molly mocked her cousin, “He‘s not really our cousin. So did you snog him or not!” demanded Molly.

  • Sticky Situations

    “Miss Weasley, had you been focused more on the lesson and less on the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, you would know that touching it anywhere on the boils will release the sap,”. Three one-shots. Neville, Lucy, James, Dominique, Fred, Victoire and Roxanne.