Serena The Drama Queen

  • Topless

    After Puck kills himself after Quinn has a miscarriage. Quinn stops wearing tops or bras every time she grieves over him, and rebounds with Jake or her exes. Jake crushes on Quinn for a while before going back to one of his exes. Jake is Kurt's daughter's second crush until she finds Dave's son. No pairings.

  • Too Tough To Die

    This is a re-write of Whipped Like Jesus.

  • Saving Kurt

    Puck saves Kurt from Blaine and becomes his boyfriend

  • Oh Princess

    Quinn lost Puck to Kurt and is not happy about it

  • Skin On Skin

    Kurt's daughter has cancer and Puck bonds with her after being raped.

  • Liza Marie's Hugs

    Blaine's daughter helps Puck with his PTSD

  • Not Fair

    Puck and Blaine's daughter have cancer while Blaine and Burt try to keep Kurt and Quinn away from each other.

  • Oh Puck

    Puck has cancer and wants to be with Kurt

  • Scars

    Puck has PTSD and Quinn in a coma while pregnant with his son. Liza Marie Blaine's daughter has cancer and is Puck's best friend

  • Puck And Tracy

    Tracy is, and a coma after a car accident and Puck is in a coma after a heart attack. Quinn is pregnant, and her turning down Puck's proposal caused the heart attack.

  • Puck's Two Lovers

    Blaine has cancer and is dying. Puck is his nurse and in a three-way relationship with Blaine and Kurt. After Puck was gay raped and dumped by Quinn.

  • A Child's Faith

    Puck is in a coma. Only Quinn and Kurt's daughter believe he will wake up. Gender swapped Sleeping Beauty.

  • Nono Did it

    Blaine and Kurt's daughter helps Puck heal after he was injured overseas.

  • Total Opposites

    Puck is dating Kurt while living with him and Quinn after Blaine divorces Kurt when their daughter dies of cancer.

  • No Clothes

    Puck and Kurt help each other get through some hard ships while starting a new relationship.

  • After

    After Puck was raped overseas, he decided to change his life. He also helps Kurt's daughter believe in God after Rachel ends up in a coma following a car accident that killed Shelby and Jesse. Puck is still STRAIGHT! Don't like, don't read!

  • The Kiss

    Blaine's daughter dares Puck to kiss Kurt at her birthday party and changes his life forever

  • Pictures

    Quinn is abusing Puck

  • Kurt's Body

    After being raped, Puck wants to be the man of Kurt's dreams. Then gets the chance after Blaine leaves Kurt after their daughter dies.

  • Carrying Kurt

    Puck and Kurt become a couple after Blaine abuses him in grief over their daughter dying.