
  • Stuck in Neutral

    Hermione Granger likes her life. She's content with her revising job, her cranky cat and strange house plants. She doesn't need anything or anyone coming and messing things up thank you very much.

  • Coffee Perks

    When you're talking about perks, you might as well go all out. Please read and review! I'd love to know what you think. Definitely AU

  • Her Finest Piece of Magic

    I'm not sure how to describe this fic to be honest. It's about love and family, friendship, pain (physically, mentally and emotionally) and having to move on anyway. Because, well, you might be able to make time stand still for a little while, life goes on.

  • Pieces of Her

    War shatters people into pieces. They might come out walking and talking but never whole.

  • Whimpered

    How I can put this nicely? I really don't care if you like my spin on Ms. Rowling's characters. Don't like it then don't read it. Yes. There is boy/boy and girl/girl and hey...I'm even gonna get wild and put girl/boy in some stories. Issues with my grammer n stuff? Be patient. The grasshopper is out of town. Whimpered is about Draco with a dash of Pans and a nice dose of Neville.

  • Unbelievable

    Even if you're in the right and deserve an apology, there are just some things that you don't want your friends to go into detail about. So do you're self a favor, don't ask.

  • For the beautiful things

    When it feels like your whole world is crashing around you, hold on. Hold on for the beautiful things.