
  • The Cloud from the seas

    Living with a facade is easy for Usopp. He has done it all his life. Hiding his real personality and restraining himself from being stronger that he appears to be. Until, he finds himself stuck in another world, with no possibility to return.

  • Ciel sanglant

    Des années de souffrance. Quelque chose se brise. Creepypasta! Tsunayoshi.

  • Of War and Sea

    Perseus Jackson is named Destroyer by all magical beings for her achievements during her teenage years. Mother of three children. Protector, surviror, hero. She is going to storm the world.

  • War and Hearth

    The Olympians decide to accept Hecate's request to help the descendants of her blessed people in hope to restablish themselves among the wixen. Within the English magical community, the Potter siblings are preparing themselves to give hell to Voldemort and his buddies.

  • For the sake of family

    For the sake of familes, series of one shots. Cross-posted on Archive of our own.

  • Cold nights

    First of the series "Darker days and nights". Cross-posted on Archive of our own. Five people disappear in one night to never be seen for five years. What happened to them? How would people close (or not) to them would react? Let's found out.

  • Fran et le tournoi des trois sorciers

    Le nom Harry Potter est sorti de la coupe cependant personne ne la jamais vu à Poudlard. Fran est rattrapé par son passé et forcé de participer dans une compétition mortelle. Est-ce que Poudlard survivra à la dixième génération des Vongola et la Varia ?

  • Le Bal du Comte Dracula

    Pansy et Harry se rendent tous deux à un bal, chacun avec leur cavalière, tous ayant qu'une envie. OS.

  • Le voyage au sanctuaire de la Magie

    Les apparences sont trompeuses. Méfiez-vous. Réécriture de "Lire entre les lignes".

  • Werewolves party

    There was a rogue and dangerous werewolf killing, raping, biting people everywhere they went. Among his victims, there were mostly children. How could they now survive in a world that feared and wanted to destroy them?

  • Lire entre les lignes

    Ne dit-on pas que les apparences sont trompeuses ? Il suffit de lire entre les lignes.

  • Harry Potter and the Ghosts of Hogwarts

    In which Harry died.

  • The Journey of the Werewolf Trio

    The Golden trio is bitten by a rogue werewolf. They are rejected by the wizard world and banned from Hogwarts.

  • Raven guy at Hogwarts

    Harry came completely different at Hogwarts. He had a big family living far away from UK, he had problems but the founders and Italian guy will be there for him.

  • OS Harry Potter

    Des OS sur Harry Potter. Des idées qui passent par là...

  • Coeur en argent

    L'été de sa cinquième année change la vie de Harry Potter, adolescent calme et silencieux... La meute de Greyback passe un accord avec Dumbledore pour protéger Poudlard. Que va t-il se passer ?

  • Not who you think

    New life, new family or.. first family. Remus x Fenrir. Harry x OC.

  • Mélodie de son âme

    La mélodie résonne dans son âme, elle est son soutien, la seule qui l'a aidé toutes ces années.

  • Magic Band

    Harry en a marre... Et ça donne Magic Band.

  • The Child and the Ghost

    He was seven when he met the Ghost of his heart. The only person he cared. The young boy was called Harry Potter in the magical world but in his family he hadn't no name but "freak". He was alone and abused. He was shut in the cupboard. This Ghost was the only person (dead) who cared about him. Could Harry be saved ? Or his life will be end ? ...