
  • Two Hours

    Anime drabble. Pegasus didn't seem to mind eating near the painting of Cyndia. Just as long as she was with him in some form. As a portrait. In one dream. Cyndia x Pegasus.

  • From One Plan

    Drabble. Let the nobles battle over Soul Edge. Rare concern formed in Raphael's eyes when he heard Amy's voice.

  • One Rainstorm

    Batman TAS The Under-dwellers episode drabble. The alligator's snout was scratched before its tail wagged. A handful of wet children appeared.

  • The Other Sounds

    Drabble. The robber paused. One happy man appeared with two alligators.

  • Unity Was Important

    Superman TAS Unity episode. Amos smiled again after Supergirl flew to the animals. He watched while her eyes started to glow red.

  • Above Many Stores

    Silver Banshee started to shriek before Supergirl flew up. She ceased shrieking when the latter struck her arm.

  • I'm Not Picky

    Gentleman Ghost wiggled his fingers above the case. Confusion appeared in his eyes when he heard cop car sirens.

  • Cecilia's Seconds

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates Hook's Christmas, When Games Become Deadly, etc. Tears appeared in Cecilia's eyes the minute Captain Hook glowered and attacked Peter Pan. Cecilia x Captain James Hook.

  • Smee and the Plank

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates Peter on Trial, The Rake, Ages of Pan, When Games Become Deadly, Treasure Hunt, Demise of Hook, etc. Smee remembered approaching Peter and placing him in a bag near trees recently. His smile even when Captain Hook's eyes widened.

  • Do Something

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates A Hole in the Wall episode. The sphinx stirred and never opened its eyes. Complete boredom for the next few hours. Great. Curiosity appeared in Repsaj's eye as soon as he heard footsteps nearby. His frown came back when a handful of King Kooh's armed enemies appeared. Repsaj removed a whip from the side of his body. Jasper Hook x Cecilia.

  • Tomorrow Afternoon

    Peter Pan and the Pirates Ages of Pan, The Rake, Hook's Christmas, etc. Cecilia scowls when her betrothed attacks Peter Pan again. Captain James Hook x Cecilia from Hook's Christmas.

  • Perhaps Decisions

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates A Hole in the Wall episode. Ailicec started to wonder about checking on him. Maybe even lifting a weapon and... Ailicec wasn't a warrior. Maybe Repsaj was going to disarm King Kooh's enemies. Jasper Hook x Cecilia.

  • Cats Attack Crows

    Sailor Moon Sailor Stars anime. Sailor Lead Crow refused to glance at Sailor Tin Nyanko.

  • Collect Gems

    Manga. The spirits smiled before Mamoru addressed them.

  • The Grouchy Sphinx

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates A Hole in the Wall episode. One scowl formed on Repsaj's face the minute he walked to his brother's pet sphinx. Jasper Hook x Cecilia.

  • Around Four

    Sailor Moon Sailor Stars anime. Sailor Tin Nyanko smiles when she views the Inner Senshi.

  • The Pirate Hat

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates drabble. Peter smiled as soon as Olook wandered. He remembered the latter's temper and how territorial he was. Peter imagined Olook attacking Captain Hook.

  • Sailor Moon Was Exhausted

    Anime season 1. Luna and Sailor Moon attempt to locate Jadeite before he can gather energy from crowds.

  • The Ruby Necklace

    Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates A Hole in the Wall episode. Repsaj started to scowl when Ailicec smiled in King Kooh's bedroom. Jasper Hook x Cecilia from Hook's Christmas.

  • The One Frown

    Supergirl started to frown as soon as she viewed Silver Banshee flying across the street with jewelry around her wrists and neck.