Stargirl tensed and almost aimed the Cosmic Staff at S.T.R.I.P.E.
Sailor Moon SuperS Movie. Queen Badiane's eyes settled on many children the minute they smiled within her castle.
Sailor Moon SuperS Movie. Queen Badiane heard several footsteps in her castle and smiled. She wasn't worried about trespassers at all. Several children continued to rest within Dream Coffins under the floor. Dream Coffins were always going to protect them from any attack.
Sailor Moon R. Berthier searches for the Rabbit even after her siblings scowl near her.
Sailor Moon R. 'Locate a Crystal Point? Search for the Rabbit' Berthier muttered while she frowned and wandered the Tokyo streets. She turned to a road before her blue eyes were wide.
Sailor Moon R anime. Berthier almost released ice from her palm when the cat hissed and scratched her hand.
Sailor Moon R anime. Berthier tilted her head to the side as soon as Petz appeared and glowered.
Manga. Confusion appeared in Jadeite's eyes when he found himself in a world of darkness.
Manga. The sight of the afternoon sun caused Jadeite to smile. He glanced at Kunzite as the latter smiled near their master.
Manga. Jadeite frowned before he turned to Kunzite. He focused on the latter's scowl.
Manga. Jadeite isn't thrilled when Kunzite checks on him after he attempts to gather energy for their leader.
Drabble. Cecilia looked around and frowned while worry appeared in her eyes. It was getting dark and she wasn't familiar with the road. Cecilia expected to view a handful of animal eyes. Hear snarling animals.
Drabble. Cecilia attempted to disregard Peter flying above a table as she sat across from Captain Hook. She remembered Peter's habit of always irritating him.
Manga drabble. Jadeite frowned as he turned from Sailor Mars to more than a handful of men armed with swords.
Drabble. Amos smiled when he turned from his family to fried chicken on a plate. One meal and unity. His eyes were on the Kents another time. The ones responsible for taking Amos in after his alien master decided that he was useless and left him with new slaves. Ones he usually tried to protect from various Smallville creatures.
Drabble. Amos is gone while Supergirl battles the usual Smallville animal.
Drabble. Amos appears and mentions meals near Supergirl as she protects everyone in Smallville from a snarling monster.
Drabble. Kara discovers how protective Amos is of a present for Martha Kent.
Sailor Moon R anime drabble. Berthier scowled the minute Sailor Moon and her companions appeared near Chibiusa in Tokyo.
Sailor Moon R anime. Petz focused on Berthier's eyes and squinted. 'You look as though you have black and blue eyes,' she said.