Apa yang terjadi jika kehidupan Vayne dan Harry ditukar, Vayne didatangi oleh Hagrid, dan Harry didatangi Zeppel? crossover MK x HP, oneshot.
Mostly AU. Collection of RozexUlrika shots with many different outlooks and plots, stories and lives. For the love of this pair, this is dedicated to Mana Khemia fans who support Rozeluxe and Ulrika in all types and form. Expect many genres and different ratings. Rated T to be safe.
[Test fic] Years after Vayne and the workshop graduated, things did not look up for long. Even after three years, the world still hasn't forgotten her fierce hatred towards him and his kind; the alchemists. Though struggling against the world, Vayne tries to keep a steady head until a silver lining shows.
After the deaths of Vayne's friend, his other self takes uses of this opportunity to completely take over. An alternate ending of what could have happened in Heart's Prison.
He's just every bit as breathless. — Vayne/Jess.
Semuanya tentang kau dan aku. Tentang Tony dan Renee. Tentang kita. Bersamamu setiap hari ternyata membawa perubahan besar dalam hidupku. A/N: mengikuti alur MK1 dari sudut pandang Tony, semi canon, Tony x Renee. Update chapter terakhir. COMPLETE.
Roxis may not have been the best friend in the world, but that won't stop him from telling the story about his own. The party reads the journal, and learns that some things aren't meant for all eyes to see. Follows Vayne's ending. One-shot. Could have a spin-off.
Few days after graduation, Vayne and friends recived a letteR that told them to go to rooftop the next day when they did,they meET mysterious girl. a new adventure awaits, with more danger and new allies. will they be able to accomplish their goals before it's too late? (Rated T, character DEATH,OCs inside,possible OOC and might be a little messed up) please RnR
A collection of possible phobias Vayne might have. No spoilers, ideas accepted! My first Mana Khemia fanfiction!
AU:Vayne Aurelious,a student of Al-Revis Academy was starting in his sophomore year when Anna Lemouri,a recently orphaned teenager became his classmate..Vayne x Anna
Because some games are not meant to be played with Nikki. Bad but cute things result. Title is actually misleading. So is the description.
Jessica is up to something again, and a synthesis gone wrong causes chaos in Flay's workshop. What happeed, read to find out! Rated T for possible profanity in later chapters. Quick chapter updates are garunteed!
Reunions and troubles where they started to have trouble. Anna Lemouri and Roxis Rosenkrantz
vayne only wanted to change, and one encounter made it happen!
What if the Other Vayne didn't disappear during Heart's Prison's? Instead his memories were sent back to his past self before Vayne's enrollment to Al-Revis and thus giving him the means to avoid everything that's happened. As well as a second chance at life...
2 minggu sebelum kelulusan tiba-tiba saja Vayne dan Muppy menghilang, lalu ada surat aneh untuk anggota workshop yang berisi tentang rencana Muppy menikahi Vayne. Tunggu dulu, MUPPY MAU MENIKAHI VAYNE! Saat anggota workshop panik, Vain tiba-tiba muncul dan menawarkan bantuan untuk menyelamatkan Vayne dari cengkraman alien pink itu. (shonen-ai, gaje- baru kembali dari hiatus)
Suatu pagi Tony bangun kesiangan. Ketika terbangun, ia langsung ke dapur untuk sarapan. Ternyata jatah sarapannya sudah dihabiskan oleh istrinya yakni Renee hanya karena suaminya itu telat bangun. Seperi apa reaksi Tony? A/N: oneshot drabble super pendek dan amat garing, untuk challenge Nonmainstream Fandom.
Jess memaksa Roxis untuk minum obat racikannya lagi ketika dilihatnya pemuda itu sedang tidak sehat. Setelah meminum obat itu, Roxis langsung 'menyerang' Vayne! "Anna! Kau tidak boleh melihat adegan ini!" "Be-benar! Kau belum cukup umur, Anna!" Oneshot rated M for lime, slash Roxis x Vayne, untuk challenge Nonmainstream Fandom.
Ibu Roxis melahirkan bayi perempuan! Yep, diusianya yang sudah menginjak 18 tahun itu Roxis baru memiliki seorang adik. Atas perkataan Jess, Roxis pun berniat mengobservasi Anna agar tahu bagaimana tingkah gadis kecil jaman sekarang. Oneshot, untuk challenge Nonmainstream Fandom di grup United Fandom.
Suatu ketika kepala sekolah mengadakan classmeeting untuk murid-murid sekolahnya. Seperti apakah jalannya perlombaan ini? Oneshot, slight Vayne x Roxis, untuk challenge Nonmainstream Fandom.