Alot of people are obsesed with THE Draco Malfoy, but how far will one girl take it?
The bells toll out a funeral in Ottery St. Catchpole, Fred’s meadow is blooming, and George tries to learn what it is to be One.
Hermione Granger turns to an old foe in her darkest hour. Rated M for heterosexual scenes and adult content. LMHG.
It's not so much a story as it is a descriptive piece. It's about a girl named Miranda and what happens to her... very short and hopefully worth your time. Please r&r.
Wie der Phönix aus der Asche... Zwischen Schnee und Eis entdeckt Snape etwas für sich Neues, das Feuer der besonderen Art...
Ginny has a post-Harry conversation with Sirius outside a funeral home. Now AU. Songfic.
A woman collapses in Ollivander's store, grasping a scrap of paper with Snape's name on it and crying out, Betrayal! But who has betrayed who?
A bittersweet study of love. Truth can be hard to swallow and mistakes can't be undone. The occurrences of a strange week in London. Chapter 6: The past is the past, everything comes full circle. The final Sunday edition. --Complete--
Draco reflects on the choices in his life, and makes a decision. Warnings: References to slash and BDSM.
Kidnapped by Voldemort, Ginny faces a hopeless situation and is prepared to die defiantly rather than beg for mercy. But Love is a strange beast indeed as feelings long thought dead are rekindled, and a light appears at the end of the tunnel of dispair.DG
Draco is having odd dreams. Who is this boy? And what does he want with Draco? Draco's pov
Because who doesn't go to Walmart?
Keine Lust mehr auf immer die gleichen Pairings und Slash ? Dann ist hier genau das richtige für euch! Die etwas andere Fic! KAPITEL 10 (ALONE) KOMPLETT PLEASE R&R!
Harry Reflects on Ginny's and his life together. sad tearjerker(i cried writing it, how bad is that?) please R&R Luvya'll
Erinnerung an einen Tag in der Kindheit eines Mannes, der sein Leben für immer verändert hat.
This is a short story about the day Harry's Parents were killed. I know, I know its been done before, but this ones good! It's from Harry's point of veiw. It's nice and short and won't wayste your time! I hope you like it! Don't forget to review! Thanks.*
Awardwinning existential short story from Boyflea about love, loss and the weather. [Actual award not awarded.]
Hogwarts, but not as you know it. Harry, but not as you know him. What if...?
The Boy Who Lived' is dead. The wizarding world is joined together in grief. But not everybody is allowed to grieve openly... HPDM Slash.
I remember just what happened, Dad. You tried to fight alone.
Decimation . . . without a fight. Quite. PreGoblet of Fire, so it's rather AU by now, but then again, so is pretty much all Harry Potter fanfiction. Not one of my happier stories, but it is a short oneshot, and written when I was 12.
In the year 2017, Muggles find out about wizards, and the terribly impossible happens. AU.