Lily is a quiet girl who keeps to herself, and James is rather arrongant and popular. The story begins in their 5th year. It's not as cliché as some fics! hehe, I hope you like it. *chapter 5 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!* REVIEW!
This is a L/J, love/hate fic. This is the first fic I ever wrote, and I won't be updating anytime soon. My fic Calla Lily is my main focus right now. Sorry I can't multitask. But Calla Lily is a much better story!
This is a short story about the day Harry's Parents were killed. I know, I know its been done before, but this ones good! It's from Harry's point of veiw. It's nice and short and won't wayste your time! I hope you like it! Don't forget to review! Thanks.*