
  • Memory from Shadow

    Adam is a wreck after Blake leaves the White Fang. On the surface, he appears to everyone as a diligent agent who completes his work efficiently with the utmost skill, but Blake's departure has left a void in his life. Confused and searching within himself for answers, he is haunted both by feelings of regret and a Phantom of Blake that follows his every footstep. T for Language.

  • The Final Stretch

    This is an AU where there are no Grimm. The discovery of Dust lead to the creation of most of the present day technologies, including the modern vehicle. Over the years, racing entered the sports scene. Every year there are a series of Grand Prix races all over Remnant...but only one driver can be the champion. Bumblebee, and maybe other ships.

  • The Death of Blake

    Blake is hunted by Adam. Her time seems to have finally come. One-Shot (No actual character death involved!) Part 3 of "Team Effort", but can be read as a stand alone.

  • How to Seduce a Faunus

    Yang acknowledges that she has feelings for Blake, and decides to act on them, only to have it backfire. However, it didn't backfire in a way you'd think it would. Blake is enjoying this far more than she should. Rated T for language and suggestive themes. Bumblebee!

  • Eternity Rising

    After Ruby woke up from her nightmare, life seemed to return to normal for her. The Vytal Festival is just around the corner, and new friends are making themselves known...some with criminal backgrounds. A mysterious new teacher, and some strange happenings, however, spice life up. Sequel to The Longest Night. Rated M for language and graphic content.

  • Witch Hunter Ruby

    Three hundred and twenty years have passed since the coven sank in the dark. Witch; devil's servant. The defenders of man rise to protect the world from these grim devils with the very powers that they resent. "Realistic" modern world. Semblances replaced by witch powers for some, and others are normal humans. Rated T for mild language. Loosely based upon Witch Hunter Robin.

  • A Rose by Any Other Name

    Ruby has carried a secret for so long out of fear of what others might think, but with Blake's revelation of being faunus, she feels that maybe now is the best time to tell her friends about who she really is. Rated T for mild language and mild sexual reference.

  • Helvetica Standard

    Hevitica Standard ! What's a plot? What's it mean to be serious? This fic will answer neither of those questions, as each chapter will follow Team RWBY and friends through day to day activities...with a ridiculous twist of nonsense. No sense is to be made. No connections to other chapters/stories will be made unless they are specifically stated.

  • The Longest Night

    Ruby is unsure of what she has just seen. Torn between believing it to be a hellish nightmare, or a vision of what has yet to pass, her trials in the months to come have only just begun. Rated M for graphic content and some language.

  • Rebellion

    Team GEAR, a dysfunctional team with both a strong love for their team mates, and a strong hatred. Genkei, Ebony, Azure, and Russet come together for the greater good on most days, but when REBELLION hosts a special promotional tournament, the team is split up by the desire to win. Who will be crowned the victor? Rated M for Adult Language and Sexual References.

  • Ruby, the Closet Otaku

    "They must never know!" Ruby has a secret hobby that she's afraid people will look down upon. So, if she's trying so hard to keep it a secret, what would happen if her favorite tsundere discovered her hidden obsession. Rated T for language an sexual references. WhiteRose because I love it so much.

  • A Simple Game of Chess

    Ruby is called in to Prof. Ozpin's office, and she's not entirely sure why. Part 2 of "Team Effort", but can be read as a stand alone. Rated T to be safe, due to brief suggestive tone at the end.

  • Post Valentines Day Ship-Fics

    Why celebrate your loved ones on just one day? I goofed up the schedule, but we'll explore the possible romantic relations of varying characters! Who will be shipped with who? Why don't you come find out! Rated T for mild language and sexual references.