Josephine Stone

  • Harry Potter and the Polyjuice Misunderstanding

    When Harry is stalking, er, investigating Malfoy, he is misidentified as Pansy under polyjuice and has to make out with Malfoy to gather information about his involvement with Voldemort.

  • Christmas at the Weasley's: An Anthology

    The Weasley's hear the story of how Harry and Draco got together, whilst a muggle guest prompts Charlie to come out to his family.

  • Hermione Granger and the Irresponsible Boys

    Hermione is a friendless Ravenclaw, but she has too much studying to do to be bothered by that; if Potter and Weasley would study more and rush into suicidal adventures less, then she might get it done; but with incompetent professors letting them by, and Malfoy pushing her to join him in catching them red-handed... well, it would be nice to know they were safe in detention.

  • Such Promises

    An unexpected storm floods the dungeons so the Slytherins are forced to share dorm space for the night with the Gryffindors. Harry is the only one who'll share a bed with Draco. For hp drizzle on LJ

  • Drabbles: Oliver & Percy

    All my drabbles for the pairing Oliver/Percy. Various ratings, etc.

  • Rare Opportunities

    When Snape offered Draco the chance of a lifetime, Draco threw it away. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. & People never come back from the dead. So when Harry moves into the flat next to Malfoy's, two years after he supposably died in the war, Harry wasn't about to let him get away without answering a few questions.

  • The Marriage Bet

    Draco believes that marriages based on love don't work and that the marriage creates love. Harry believes that love is the only way a marriage can work. So Draco bets Harry he could fall in love with him whilst Ginny is away. AU Post-Hogwarts, EWE

  • The Marriage Clause

    Harry's desperately trying to save Draco resorts to dubious means.

  • Drabbles: Harry & Draco

    All my drabbles (that aren't part of their own drabble series) for the pairing Harry/Draco. Various ratings, genres, etc.

  • Distance

    Pansy can't empathise with regrets, but she'll follow Hermione through the days of the past war forever if that is what it takes for Hermione to get over her own.

  • Catching Draco

    Harry watches Draco slowly become more secure and happy, while he becomes less under the weight of knowing how fragile their relationship really is.

  • Seduction Mission

    Malfoy asks Harry to help him avoid a completing a mission Voldemort assigned him; a mission to seduce Harry. After agreeing then oblivating Malfoy as requested, Harry changes his mind and "lets" Malfoy seduce him to keep him safe from Voldemort.

  • 100 Sapphic (Bubbly) Flavour Beans

    Bertie Bott's Hundred Sapphic Flavour Beans is a 100 drabble/doodle challenge with three different types at hpsapphicappeal at LiveJournal. These are my drabbles for the Bubbly prompt table. Various ratings and pairings.

  • By The Book

    Just a short story about Harry's new favourite book and him falling, literally, for Malfoy.

  • To Want, To Need

    Draco tutors Potter in Potions.

  • Close to the Truth

    Draco is only trying to protect his family, but Harry gets in the way.

  • Lying

    After the war, Draco makes wands to try and replace his old one. Harry is the only one willing to buy the wands he makes.

  • The Wrong Hands

    Gellert knows Albus is afraid of something, but he isn't sure exactly what. He knows that if they are to survive their quest for the Deathly Hallows they'll need to use some Unforgivables, so he steals a book to teach Albus and him how to use them.

  • Just Pretending

    That Draco is performing Veela mating dances for Harry to humiliate him surprises no one.

  • Apologies

    Draco has the perfect plan to get revenge on all his classmates their last year at Hogwarts, until they exclude him from participating in the Christmas charity event. He should have expected it. It's what they always do. When he thinks the situation can't get worse, Harry Potter shows up at his door. A Hogwarts High, Non-Magical AU!