Luna Addictus

  • Because Nothing is Ever Simple in Prohibition New York

    Because Nothing is Ever Simple in Prohibition New York and Its Consequent Years. A drabble collection of random events in the Baccano! universe - may cover different timelines in one drabble. May or may not follow the light novels. Beware the OCs - they lurk everywhere.

  • Babysitter

    Lockon loved Anew. She was sure that Anew loved him too. And even though Anew Returner is dead, she could never measure up to her. LylexAnew. Onesided!OCxLyle.

  • There's a Mistletoe

    UPDATED: New oneshot considered as Chapter 4, Harry discovers something dark about Luna... what will he do? Please Read and Review! major OOCness aboard... flames are very welcome :D

  • Luna's Birthday and The Surprises of Doom

    ONESHOT. Harry wants to give Luna a birthday present, but he doesn't know what to give. Surprises of all sorts of relationships come up when he arrives at Luna's birthday. HxL. Harryxalmost everyone except HxG.

  • Darkness Rising

    Post!TDH. Nineteen years had passed since the Dark Lord was vanquished, however a new threat will awaken. Who will be the next one who will step into the realm of the Dark? AntiHPGW fic

  • His Family

    I suck at summaries. Please R&R. HL fic, HPaTDHcentric.

  • Lovegood Cries

    .... just read...

  • Hello, Harry

    ONE-SHOT FIC! Well, its about Luna... and her thoughts on some things.. and Harry! Please read and review!