
  • Anticipating Life

    COMPLETE. A journey. A volume of plays. Three people. Hermione tangles herself deeper into literature. Art reflects life, life art.

  • Fifteen Days

    There is a puzzle left unsolved. Fifteen days after the end of the war and Draco hates Hermione.

  • Half

    His hearing is worse, but George gets used to it.

  • As It Always Would

    “On the ethereal plane of fantastic ideas and wonderful relationships, Ron and Hermione were superstars. They were epic. But here in the real world, it just didn’t quite work.” Getting there was never easy.

  • Expect the Unexpected

    Hermione has a life plan. But it involves falling in love with Ron, not his older brother...HrF, HG, and a little DHr later on. UPDATED 10/17/09.

  • Far From Eden

    A man dies, children grow up, and suddenly, no one knows anything anymore.

  • A Place to Sleep

    They run in the day and Draco thinks in the night.

  • In The End

    The final battle, a final conversation, a few truths she didn't want to hear.

  • the calm

    Waiting is always the hardest. It allows too much time for thought, too much time to reveal things you never wanted to know. Post HBP

  • Grip

    Summary: Tears leave a darker stain than blood. When the sun sets on a splintered heart, no one can pick up the pieces. story much worse than the summary. Please rr.

  • Sacrifices

    The world changes constantly. When a new life begins, you have to leave behind the old one, even if it doesn't seem fair.

  • Those Forgotten

    We aren't all meant to be heroes.

  • Lag Behind

    Regulus can't follow him, even though he wants to. He has to stay behind and do everything his brother never did.

  • Love in Six Acts

    Love never ends. New chapters open, but you never forget the first, the second, the third. Hermione has six.

  • Silent Truths

    Percy refuses to see the truth, even though he himself knows it. Penelope won't let him.

  • Midnight Hours

    Pansy smokes to relax. She ignores her memories to survive. She sleeps with Ron because something has to pierce through the pain.

  • Mouths and Manipulations

    She thinks she must be the only person in the world that doesn’t enjoy kissing. Bellatrix views everything with detatched emotion. So when someone finally makes her feel, she can't bear it.

  • Moss and Moonlight

    Luna revels in her memories, but even they can't remove the loneliness or block out the sound of wind in her ears.

  • Morning After

    Tonks wakes up in St. Mungo's the morning after Sirius' death. RLNT, implied RLSB.

  • Must Be

    The world is dissolving into sharp lines and black and white images. Hermione protects herself with fantasies, only surviving with the hope of things that could be, should be, must be. Very dark.