
  • Sealed To Save

    Vampire and Hunters have been fighting for millions of years. When rouge Vampires attack Whammys, an orphange that specializes in training Hunters, Matt, a pure-blood vampire fights back to protect the family he has found in the children and adults that reside there. But there is a cost for everything. Eventually MattxMello. AU

  • Giving

    Sasuke has been in a coma for almost six years and Naruto has waited for him to awaken. Now an Anbu captain the blonde is sent on missions, to pay for Sasuke's hospital care. But the council want to unhook the last Uchiha letting him die if he does not wake up by the end of the year. Set after final battle. Warnings: Yaoi, Lemons, Maybe Mpreg. NaruSasu.


    The F.L.O.C.K is an elite force of officers. The two members Nick (Fang) and Max (Hawk) are the last resort when crime gets bad, too bad for normal officers to handle. They are sent in, with their enhancements and skills they take care of the job. Posed as normal officers outside of a mission they are married and parents to four children. AU, Wings may come later. Iggy is not blind

  • The Final Night

    Maximum Ride left the world in silence, her duty finished, her time expired. (Character Death)

  • Learning to Live A New Way

    Alex Rider is different. He has grown up in a research lab that did illegal experiments on man-made children. He is a hybrid, made for stealth and spy work. At the age of fourteen he has seen more then he should have. Deemed too dangerous for normal life, he is sent to Brecon Beacons and put on the K-Unit. They want to help him have a better life, too bad he doesn't trust them.

  • Changes in Love

    Perseus and Artemis have always been childhood and best friends. But when Artemis begins to date Orion, it causes major problems that will forever change their lives. Eventually Percy/Artemis. High school AU. No powers or gods/goddesses. Warning: Rape, Pregnancy, Lemons later on. Please Read and Review.

  • What Heroes Are For

    At the age of ten Naruto is chosen to be the human sacrifice in which the Kyuubi would be sealed in due to the fact that he is a high level Chunin and medic having trained under Tsunade and Jiraiya. Itachi his best friend and teammate knows the blonde is having a hard time dealing with the physical and mental difficulties that comes with holding the Kyuubi. ItaNaru.

  • Until Time Ends

    Werewolves and Vampires have always hated each other, but when Hunters threaten their very existence they decide to unite their clans to fight. Naruto, the son of the leaders of the werewolves and Sasuki, the daughter of the leaders of the vampires, their bond will be like no other and they will become the bridge between their clans. Fem!Sasuke. NaruSasu. AU. Warnings inside.

  • To Be A Princess

    After the murder of his older twin sister, Sasuki, Sasuke takes her place as the heir to the Luna Kingdom. No one knows he exists, in order not to raise suspicion, his parents train Sasuke to look, and act exactly like his late twin. His guard Naruto, sent to protect him from the Solis Kingdom, is the only one other person who knows. But his guard is also hiding secrets. NaruSasu.

  • The Protector of the Last Uchiha (Rewrite)

    After the Uchiha Massacre ANBU Captain Naruto Uzumaki is given the mission to protect his best friend, Sasuke Uchiha, without revealing his status as the legendary ANBU Captain Fox. In order to fulfill his duty Naruto has to work carefully to not reveal his identity. This is a rewrite of the original!

  • Heart to Heart

    "Guess this is goodbye then, the nurse is getting ready to give me the shot...thank you so much for making my life brighter." NaruxFem!Sasu

  • Meetings

    Throughout his lifetimes, he was her Guardian. These are the times they met, and the one time they didn't. But she will always wait for her Guardian. This is a series of one-shots on how they meet throughout his lives. Percy/Artemis. There will be AU settings. Read and Review, Anything Accepted!