
  • Crawling Forward

    One day, someone will make him feel at least a fraction of what he feels when he is with Nancy. And he's aware how melodramatic it sounds, and to some what they had may have just been young, high school love. And he's not even sure if those people would be wrong. But whatever it was, it certainly left its mark on him. For now? He's crawling forward. Or, at least he's trying to.

  • The Callonetta & The Nightingale Prince

    When Dandelion receives word that Geralt is imprisoned in Toussaint he wastes no time hurrying to his friend's side. What was meant to be a few days in Toussaint stretched into weeks, and news of his regular visits with Duchess Anna Henrietta make it all the way back to Novigrad. Dandelion finally has to return home to face what he's been avoiding: Priscilla.

  • The Torn Prince II: Return to Arendelle

    As Anna and Hans' wedding day approaches Elsa struggles with really letting the past go in regards to her former foe. The upcoming nuptials also shine a light on her loneliness, unsure if she will ever find love, herself. Meanwhile, Hans and Anna adjust to becoming an official couple, including the temptations that come along with it and Kristoff moves on. CH 5: A Toast UPDATED

  • The Beard

    Prince Hans comes home from a hunting trip with his brothers and Anna is surprised to see him donning a new 'look.' At first, she is caught off guard, but it doesn't take long for her to warm up to him. One-shot smut. Hansanna. Based on a prompt I received.

  • From Eden

    "Hans was polished. Poised. He was a people pleaser, through and through. Lingering. Toying. Teasing. Every movement he made, every touch, was calculated and with purpose, bringing her to the brink and back again, pleased only when she was, but only if he allowed her to be. He used pleasure as a means of torture, a means of control." One-shot Hansanna smut.

  • The Torn Prince

    The events that happened during Frozen but from Hans' point of view. And then, after the fiasco in Arendelle, Hans returns home to await his trial. When a very ill Anna arrives to testify, will it help him evade his punishment or lead him to the hangman's noose? COMPLETE. Follow up the sequel: The Torn Prince II: Return to Arendelle!