

  • United we stand

    Zero and X adopted a daughter! But that's not what's surprising about it. Their daughter is me. I have no idea what happened, but when I said I wanted to play MMX to get the experience, I didn't mean like this! Now I'm stuck and I want to go back home. But how? This is not going to be easy. I'm Elm, and this is my story.

  • Femme of the century

    AU! Optimus Prime is soon to be married to Elita-1. The problem is they haven't actually met face to face. And given the curse lingering within the line of the Primes is merely an 'old wives tale', right? Elita-1 suddenly disappears and the only way to not raise any suspicion was to have a look-alike to fill in the spot of the missing bride until she's found. What will happen?

  • Chances

    The world was safe. But a new threat is rising. Enzan returned to Densan after the four years he has left. Netto bumps into him one day in the most unfortunate of circumstances. How will things go for the two when Netto never told him her secret before he left for England years ago? Fem!Netto/Enzan and Blues/Rockman!

  • Vox Androeidēs

    Elmarie, Sams internet friend came to visit after she and her sisters' concert tour. Expecting peace and quiet and relaxation for a while, it all changed when Sam and his father bought him a yellow Camaro. Shit hits the fan and deep dark secrets unfold in Elmarie's life. (DISCONTINUED)