
  • Gone

    '"They asked me if I'd take 'em huntin' over the wall. I said 'no' but they seemed real keen." Daryl gnawed on his lip. "Y'don' think they'd skip over the wall, do you?" Carol and Maggie looked at each other, aghast. Carol pressed her hand to her mouth in terror. "They could have."' Caleb and Rory, six-year-old best friends, disappear one day and they're nowhere to be found.

  • Fireflies

    Set in 'The Farm' arc, right after 'The Glue Police'. Glenn and Maggie take the boys hunting fireflies, and Carol and Daryl tag along on a whim. Very fluffy, happily-ever-after one-shot.

  • Caleb

    "You're too good to me…" She sighed sweetly. "I love you so much." "Yeah?" He asked. "How much y'love me?" He laughed at the face she made at him. She hummed in thought, sizing up the baby. "About this much." She teased, holding her hands up to roughly Caleb's dimensions. Set in 'The Farm' arc. Silly fluffy one-shot about Caleb just after he's born. Caryl fluff!

  • Progress

    Set in 'The Farm' arc. Beth's making progress in dealing with her experiences during her seperation, and turns to Carol for advice. Contains a whole bunch of Caryl fluff, aside from the Beth/Carol interaction, and features Caleb! (Because he's cute in my mind and everyone loves Caryl babies) but it's also a little bit dark in a vaguely-implied sort of way.

  • Recovery

    "Carol?" Beth asked uncertainly. "Yeah?" Carol looked over the shelf at her. "You love him, right?" The question floored her for a minute. "Of course I do… Absolutely." Beth nodded. "Does he ever scare you?" "Never." Carol said firmly. Whatever happened to Beth before they found her, she wasn't telling. A discussion between her and Carol, however, sheds a little

  • Complimentary

    Just some silly, lazy fluff on a lazy spring afternoon. Set in 'The Farm' arc. Her hair was sticking up and there were faint lines across her cheek where the wrinkled pillowcase had left impressions in her skin. She squinted sleepily at him as the late-afternoon sun slanted into her eyes. "What's so funny?" She mumbled, smiling. "Nothin'." He said. "You're pretty, is all."

  • Attention

    Carol catches the eye of some newcomers, but she only has eyes for her boys. Set in 'The Farm' arc. Blatant Carol-worship and fluff and vaguest, tiniest hint at Caryl getting some action? But mostly cuteness. Also starring Caleb because who doesn't love Caryl babies? Set after 'To Win'.

  • Reunion

    Set in 'The Farm' arc, but about twenty years ahead. By some coincidence their children, living in different communities, have been rostered onto the trading runs to the farm on the same day. A fluffy 'how I want it to be' reunion fic.

  • Company

    Daryl goes on a run with Glenn and Michonne, leaving Carol at the farm. Daryl's anxious about their unborn baby and Carol can't sleep without him there, but they both have company that helps take their mind off things. Very fluffy, very Caryl-centric. Set in 'The Farm' arc.

  • Lucky

    Caryl AU. The prompt: 'Carol works the reception desk at Hershrl's vet clinic. Construction Worker!Daryl brings in an abandoned puppy he finds skulking around the job site.' Pre-fluff one-shot. Daryl gets a bit attached to the puppy... And maybe Carol as well? Rated for language.

  • First Kiss

    The first time he kissed her, she was covered in dust and bits of hay from clearing out stalls for them to shelter in whilst they winter-proofed the houses. He, on the other hand, had walker muck splattered across his hands and forearms from his watch shift. They meet at the water pump in the yard and their teasing leads to a little more... Caryl-centric.

  • The Bookstore

    The group has established itself at the farm post-Terminus. The focus has shifted to getting set up to live self-sustainably and so Carol and Daryl head on a run to the nearest bookstore, looking for books on homeopathy and crop cultivation and the like. They run out of daylight on the way home, though, and have to hole up for the night in an abandoned house. (No sexy times, sorry)

  • The Glue Police

    Set in 'The Farm' arc. Silly Caryl fluff with a cameo appearance by Caleb! "I don't think 'glue police' is a thing…" Caleb hummed. "It's not a job you can be in." Daryl stared at him in shock. "Whadd'ya mean?" He gaped. "The hell am I wearin' this stupid hat for, then?" He whipped the hat off his head. It was a paper pirate's hat, with 'Glue Police' written on it in sparkly pen.

  • Take My Breath (and neverlet it go)

    She picked at the sheet. "I married Ed when I was twenty." "Okay…?" He said, his voice carefully neutral. She gave an embarrassed sort of whine but figured she might as well jump right in. "He was pretty bad in the sack." Set in 'The Farm' arc. Doesn't really fit in chronologically but by the time I steeled my nerves enough to post I was beyond caring any more! PWP-ish

  • Want You Close

    He snickered. "Sorry," He rubbed his nose to hide his grin. "You, uh, you ain't really my type." He laughed at his own joke. She cackled in surprise. "No offense…" She laughed. "But I prefer them a little older, grey hair… Amazing body… Y'feel? Oh, and female." "Ha!" He laughed out loud. "Y'got good taste." Daryl and Tara chat on watch. Set in 'The Farm' arc, Caryl fluff.

  • Lull

    Carol's favorite room on the entire farm was the tack room they'd turned into a schoolroom-slash-library, with its big high windows and soft yellow walls. Daryl often found her curled up in the sunlight on a mountain of large cushions, lazily flipping through a picture book with Caleb while he read to her out loud and gleefully mangled difficult words. Set in 'The Farm' arc.

  • Anguish

    Daryl struggles to cope with Beth's death, and everyone is broken. Sometimes, though, grief is easier when it's shared. (Rated for language and canon-typical violence, very angsty.) Caryl.

  • Anthony

    Yeah, this is exactly what you think it it. I'm sorry (but not really)! Set in 'The Farm' arc. Daryl has a tendency to bring home baby animals or ex-pets, provided they're safe enough to be around the kids. He'd brought home some rabbits to breed for meat, and a hodge-podge flock of chicken, but none of his finds were quite as interesting as Anthony the Turtle.

  • Comfort

    Response to a prompt on Tumblr... "It's not meant to bend like that." After Carol and Tyreese liberate the group from Terminus, she realises that Daryl is no longer with them. She heads back to find him, but he's injured. Some pre-fluff, Caryl snuggles, and Carol gives Rick a piece of her mind. Now a multi-chap! Reviews addressed at the end of each chapter.

  • To Lose

    Carol lost a baby a month ago and Daryl takes to the woods, unable to stomach the pity from everyone else. While he's gone, Glen and Maggie return from a run with two half-feral children in tow. Set in 'The Farm' arc, before 'Flower Crowns'. The alternative/companion piece to this is called 'To Win'. It's fluffy and happy and will help mend your damaged feels after this one!