

  • Ghost Story

    AU. A day alone in the ocean when Misty is five left her near death, but with the newfound ability to see ghosts. Quickly, these ghosts take over her life, becoming her only friends, foes, and even family, as she grows reclusive, fearing herself to be a freak of nature. But, as fate would have it, perhaps this was what was supposed to happen all along. AAMRN.

  • Only One Way to Find Out

    Musical-verse. JD once told Veronica that the only place the Heathers and Marthas could get along was in heaven. But with a ghostly Heather Chandler as live Veronica's only friend, she had to wonder if that was true. Post-Heathers one-shot.

  • Great Minds

    Post 2.7. Blair didn't ask for Serena's help with Chuck, Blair doesn't need Serena's help with Chuck. But when Serena decides to take it upon herself to interfere in Blair's love-life the only thing Blair can do is ignore her. But Serena's a hard person to ignore. Chair, Blair-centric. Two-shot.

  • AAML Alphabet Challenge

    The classic alphabet challenge. A oneshot for a randomly generated (or requested) word corresponding to every letter of the alphabet, each with a delicious serving of AAML. There will undoubtedly with a smattering of other Ships on the side. Requests are welcome! L is for Literature

  • Don't Stop Loving Me

    AU. Tragic St. Berry. Alone in New York, Rachel and Jesse meet and spend a summer in love. When their love goes too far, they have to suffer the consequences. Loosly inspired by the song Red Ragtop by Tim McGraw—not a songfic!

  • Weather the Storm

    Somewhat AU. 18 years following the takedown of Team Rocket, 36-year-old Ash Ketchum randomly disappears only to be declared murdered. His 18 year-old daughter, heartbroken by her father's death and her mother's tears, goes back in time to prevent the events leading to her father's death in the future. AAMRN. OC/OC.

  • Winter Wonderland

    31 winter-themed chapters for the month of December. Every chapter will be a different drabble for a different prompt. Almost all of these stories are Heathers fluff with no murder or sociopathicness. A lot have no pairing, but most of the rest are Veronica/JD with occasional Veronica/Chandler and Veronica/McNamara.

  • Out of My Dreams

    One-shot. Rachel has been plagued by troubling nightmares of which she is has no memory of when she wakes up. Frustrated, she turns to the aid of a pill so that she can remember her dreams. What does she remember? St. Berry.