
  • Fools on Fire

    Friends help each other, even if it's embarrassing and hazardous to all involved. Kathy/Phoebe

  • Painful Truths

    Sometimes, we aren't able to tell our friends what really needs to be said. Sometimes, we lie in order to protect them, even if that means we lose a bit of ourselves. A Gwen and Lyla friendship story.

  • Losing out

    An explanation as to why Yue is so 'protective' of her aquamarines.

  • Unbound Pages

    A book-seeking Bosmer loses her way, and, caught in the crossfire of the world, she burns. Sheogorath's touch bends the mind in interesting ways, making the world far more mad than it should be. An Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim story.

  • Alpaca Special Delivery Service!

    Ann and Gray rarely see eye-to-eye on matters of fun and safety, but maybe an Alpaca and a Starry Night adventure can change that.

  • The Second Stage of Grief

    It was the third day of Lillia's funeral and Popuri was angry.

  • She lives, she works, she thrives

    Freya's work defines her. It is all she talks about and all that she is known for. But what exactly does she do? A Grand Bazaar drabble series.