
  • Brave

    Part of my Song-Fic series, based on the song Brave by Sara Bareilles. A Jasmine Thomas/Vanessa Woodfield fic set when Jasmine is released from prison

  • A Janessa (JasmineVanessa) AU Series

    Basically a selection of mini oneshots for Jasmine/Vanessa based on prompts from a masterpost of AUs on my blog. I hope to do a couple a week but knowing me that won't happen. There should be a Jebbie version up soon.

  • Who am I?

    "Just one, I'm a few. No family too. Who am I?" When Clara Manning watches a woman that could be her identical twin commit suicide at the train station her life takes a sudden turn. She is introduced to an entire world that previously she didn't know existed and all the problems within it. Orphan Black/Doctor Who crossover where Clara's echoes replace the clones.