
  • Sherlock, Fallen

    (Sherlock/Supernatural cross over. AU, possible smut, Johnlock, Destiel, Angel!lock, Wing!lock, Supernatural season 9 spoilers) After the fall, Sherlock was confused in this new world, but with the help of a human named John Watson, he will find out what happened to the angels and how to get home to heaven.

  • Needing You

    Johnlock (John/Sherlock) Smut, Minor death. *Spoilers for Season 3* Sherlock had not been the same since coming back to London. Voices of the dead screaming in his mind. When John finds out, he goes to help his friend, but when Sherlock reveals a huge secret, life as John knows it changes forever. Will he keep the life he has, or give up everything for the broken detective.