
  • A Kitten In A World Of Heroes (he has sharp claws and is very hungry)

    Another Killua ends up in the MHA world. Hohoho, how will this turn out?

  • Truth of the Future

    Teito Klein seemed always destined to hunt for truth: the truth of the past, the truth of the present, and, now, the truth of the future. This... this it seemed, was only another step on the journey to discover truth. When Teito wakes up buck naked on a trash heap in the middle of a strange town in a strange world, a looming mountain on the horizon, this is what he tells himself.

  • Terrible Irony

    It is terrible irony that in order to follow his nature, Kevin Entwhistle must refuse the only House that could understand him. All because of Edward Elric.

  • New Lead

    Ten years have passed since Voldemort attacked the Potters, and Harry became the Boy-Who-Lived. One year has passed since the Elric brothers were trapped on this side of the Gate. Now, they are living in London, and soon these two worlds will collide. And in this collision, the Elrics find a new opportunity, a New Lead, to get back home: magic. (Post CoS, 2003 anime)

  • The Mystery of the Monks

    A newspaper appears in the Harry Potter movies in the year 1995. It is dated 2006, telling of the "miracle babies" born on that day. How is this possible? Are the "miracle babies" really time travelers?

  • All Those Times Ed Went to Hogwarts

    Remember all those times Ed went to Hogwarts? When Al got left behind? Well, this is what happens when an overused plot is used, and when when poor characters fall under the evil whims of the author. ("This" as in, the characters do weird things to me, make me type weird things, and then I try to pass it off as just a weird brand of humor.)

  • Where Are You Going?

    Once, Van Hohenheim had been Ed's father. Now, he is the Bastard, and the past is only a torn down memory.

  • Fullmetal Fuhrer

    Ed talks on a news show. The title ends up happening. Oneshot.

  • The Empty Child

    Based of of the Doctor Who episode "The Empty Child", and set in the 2003 FMA anime when Ed is in "our world". Adopted by greatlittleking!

  • Stars

    Beneath the stars, Al thinks about how things have ended up. Life is finally looking good.

  • Birthday

    After Al gets his body back, he experiences the best birthday ever.

  • For the Dead

    For the dead of FMA

  • Sugar Quills

    The magic of sugar quills, which are slowly dominating the world.

  • Bad Breath

    Al has bad breath.

  • Twisted Ways

    He was only a shell of who he had been. An imposter, an abomination created by the sacrifice of a brother who was never his. Alphonse Elric had died for nothing, for all he had brought back to life was a homunculus. (Post-2003, pre-CoS. Very short chapters, intermittent updates.)

  • Never Surrender

    Ed will never surrender to Winry. Her and her automail.

  • Chess

    Despite everything, chess was the one thing he was good at.

  • Phantom Paradise

    Paradise is elusive, an abstract idea that may never come into existence. Danny has searched for it for years, labeling his own den his "Paradise." But in this world he has built up for himself, does he really realize the value of his home? Does he really value what he already has over a revenge that may never come to be?

  • That Fateful Day

    It was all my fault that it happened, all my damn fault. Because of me, Al is...

  • Green

    All he could do was scream.