

  • Recollection

    I remember. I remember every age, every time, every evil and every Hero that rose to put an end to it. I can recall being hunted, transformed into stone or trapped in a prison, stolen away to be made a villain's prize. I remember that you did all of those. But you did them differently. Zelda is granted a new perspective on the eternal cycle. K. One-shot. ZelGan. What's a plot?

  • Do You Come Here Often?

    There's a new girl stealing Link's affections. Not like it matters, 'cause we broke up a month ago. But goddesses, she's annoying. Oneshot. RuLink, ZeLink. I apologize for the high school AU.

  • Wolf

    Link was sent on a search for the Twilight Realm after readjusting to life in Hyrule didn't work. He finally found another entrance, the Dark Mirror, but with it came a whole slew of troubles. Not the least of which was being trapped in his wolf form and held prisoner by a shadowy version of himself. K, One-shot, needs revision.

  • It's Time, Princess

    The time has come for Ganondorf to face his death. lll Inspired by "It's Time, Princess" by tavington (cover) and "Sleep, Princess" by kiesu. K. ZeldxGanondorf / Zelgan.

  • The Same Old Argument

    ZelGan Oneshot Request: "Do you think me less... attractive... than the boy, Princess?"

  • Oneshot Requests

    Taking requests for oneshot ideas. Comment below or PM me to request something; they will be posted here on Fanfiction and on Tumblr once I am done! Keep it T or under.

  • Sweet Dreams

    After Cia was destroyed for her vengeful, violent attempts to claim Link as her own, Lana still holds a special affection for the Hero in green. The Hero she has met could never be hers, but perhaps... perhaps another Hero will? Oneshot request from Instagram. K. LaLink. Kissy kissy cute and fluff.

  • Friends, Fronds, and Forgotten Boxes

    Meet Kia, the whimsical sea dragon zora and her sea dragon friend, Ryu. She's pretty flighty and easygoing, and she enjoys shirking her shell-collecting duties to go play with the sea creatures. Then one day, her games lead to a rather interesting discovery. Oneshot written as a prize for ZoraRealm on DeviantART. Kia and Ryu Humanoid-Magpie.

  • WHAT IF: Never Surrender

    "It is time for you to choose: surrender, or die?" When the Princess of Hyrule is faced with a choice that will irrevocably change her kingdom and her life, she chooses a path far departed from what we may know. As her kingdom crumbles around her, Princess Zelda makes a vow that she will never surrender. DISCONTINUED FOR NANOWRIMO.

  • I See the Light

    "All at once, everything is different, now that I see you." Inspired by the boat scene in Tangled. Fluff. ZelGan. K.

  • To Watch the World End or, Link

    He came back different. He came back sad. No one knows exactly why. But Colin is determined to try and get to know his missing brother. One-shot, drabble. K.

  • Our Own Destinies

    Adapted from a roleplay between two friends. After they thought the battles had been fought and the war ended with his dying cries, the King of Darkness rises again with a new play. As he executes his insidious plan, something changes and the most dangerous paring of them all comes to fruition. Rated M for coarse language, and graphic violence, gore, and intimacy. ZelGan.

  • I Literally Stole Everything

    At first I thought I was just taking a one-time opportunity to get some free stuff. Then I was grabbing Link's spilled junk every time I saw him. Turns out, I was actually stealing everything of his. Including his heart. Oneshot. Fluff. LinkxMaple. Oracle games manga/games with some headcanon. K.

  • Of the Land and Of the Sea

    It's Link's wedding day, and as Ruto bustles around getting everything ready he has a moment to think. RuLink. Oneshot. Ocarina of Time AUish.

  • In the Garden

    Link makes Zelda a picnic in the castle gardens to make up for a mistake the previous day. ZeLink? Oneshot.

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Seventh Sage

    Where do I start with this? At what point did my simple life as the princess transform into something much more fascinating and important? Did my quest begin when I first took up the sword, or was this all set into motion by my very birth? Building off of "What if it was Zelda's perspective?" and "What if Link was female?" but with a twist. K for minor violence & gore.

  • Interviews

    Writing practice to 'train' my hand and home my style. Interviews with various characters from the Legend of Zelda video game saga, asking them questions about their emotions, pasts, experiences, and thoughts.

  • Psyche

    Where is he? Who is he? And what is going on? Playing around with style, and this is what came up! Somewhat mature concepts are involved and no particular plot exists. K.