
  • Endings

    Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition - Round 5, Reserve Seeker. Companion piece to Beginnings by MaryandMerlin. Charlie Weasley experiences his last few days at Hogwarts before going out into the big wide world.

  • Out Damned Spot

    QLFC Round 9 Written y Seeker. Bellatrix as Lady Macbeth

  • School Shopping

    Oliver goes for his school supplies.

  • Thanks for the Memories

    A bit of backstory for the mysterious Whispering Wizard of Knockturn Alley - I give you, Uzair Vallejo

  • A Watchful Eye

    Barty must spend his time protecting the boy he wants to see dead. One-Shot.

  • Humiliated

    QLFC Round 13. Rose accidentally blurts out that she loves Scorpius in the middle of a crowded corridor and now she has to deal with the painful consequences of her actions. Little bit of Slash

  • Every Night in my Dreams

    Harry is haunted by his past failures and his lost loved ones. Struck by insomnia one night he wanders to the room of requirement and discovers something that helps just as much as it hurts.

  • Portrait

    QLFC Round 10 - Forbidden Love. Hermione has always had a little crush on Sirius but knew that it could never be returned. But she finds something in his room that says otherwise. SB/HG

  • All's Well That Ends Well

    This is a rewrite of a particular moment in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night in Potterverse. It is the entry for the QLFC of Chudley Cannons Seeker. This is the moment that Olivia realises that she isn't quite sworn off all men. FW. GW. LJ. OC.

  • The Black Sheep

    Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition Round 8 Seeker. Rose Weasley has always been cast as the black sheep of her family because she looks different so now she is going to live up to it.

  • Forbidden Love

    Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition: Round 7 - Seeker. Hermione is confused because it wasn't Ron that she smelt in her Amortentia potion, who was it and why is she so upset about that? HG/DM Slight OOC

  • Kidnapped

    Little League Slytherin Seeker! Round 3/6 - catergory suspense! Scorpius has been kidnapped and only Albus knows where he has been taken! He has sent for help but knows that only he could get there in time to save his best friend, will he be quick enough?

  • Yes Miss Granger

    When Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts she's no longer a fresh faced little student, she's changed and for the better. Or atleast one Slytherin certainly thinks so. More or less pure smut, little storyline, mostly smut. Don't like, don't read and please no flames, just having fun here. Explicit content. Over 18 only folks. DM/HG DM/HG/GW DM/HG/?