
  • Troubled Waters

    Alleged thefts, rumors, letters, courting— they all went hand in hand in the political climate of royalty. But a powerful book, mysterious deaths, and a ghost? Something was remiss. Someone was pulling the strings. And someone needed to find out why. Post Evolution-R.

  • Sunlight's Return

    After being on the run from Team Rocket, Jayce Ketchum is determined to bring down the organization and at last be reunited with Ash and Delia. But while he and his unexpected recruits are forced to apprehend the organization's wish to manipulate unspeakable power, the journey to salvation endangers the family he left behind to protect. "Silently Broken" 'verse.

  • Junk of the Heart

    No one ever said letting go of the past was easy. Especially when one's holding onto items with meanings and memories. To Ash, what was stored in the attic was nothing but embarrassing reminders. But to Delia, they meant every step in the founding of her son's impeccable growth. And sorting through every token, made that all the more clear. Gift for my friend and beta reader.

  • Sun and Moon

    He was exquisitely aloof from the hustle and bustle of the world, and so deeply submersed in his own tribulations and sorrow that sometimes it was impossible to reach out to him with a friendly hand. As if he was detaching himself on purpose. Yet Amelia loved him nonetheless. Post Evolution-R.

  • Foolish Invincibility

    It was like any other summer day for Ash Ketchum. Playing out in the woods, receiving a noticeable tan from the sun's rays, and getting into petty squabbles with his on and off friend, Gary Oak. That is, till an untimely dare takes a turn for the worst. Pre-Series. Gift for my friend and beta reader.