Helen had not touched the baby even once in a month, one day, five hours, thirty-three minutes and five seconds, to Nikola's count. She would follow him around, sometimes all day, checking that he was holding Sophie properly. All that time carefully avoiding any contact with the flesh of her flesh as if even the merest of touches could have melted that smooth pale skin to oblivion.
Vienna, 1965. Nikola crosses path with a shadow from the past, and begins to doubt his own sanity. Rated T for swearing but I'm old fashioned
Ever wondered what became of O'Brien? Darkfic, slight femslash, set between s05x03 and s05x04... I guess...
"Do you realize that if you work at the crime lab, you'll be asked to open the mail and carry cups of coffee around ?" When Ellie decides she wants to work at the lab during the summer, is it a really good idea ? Or will she get more than she bargained for? Post-finale fic. Jo and Ellie centered (with the team). Rated T, may evolve for violence.
Set after season 4, as an attempt to shed some light on Tesla and Magnus's relationship... Slightly M-ish. But nothing descriptive. OS! Enjoy!
"Oh non, elle valait tellement mieux qu'un bon vin... Elle était un puzzle qui ne laissait aucun répit à son cerveau. Elle était la seule drogue qui avait encore le pouvoir de le rendre ivre." Petit oneshot situé après la fin de la série. Limite M, mais rien d'explicite. C'est juste une petite scène qui tente d'expliquer la relation compliquée d'Helen et Nikola. Bonne lecture!
"We are not competing one against the other for who has the best gift, you know that, right? You don't have to rent a pony again..." Teresa's birthday is coming soon, and Patrick knows exactly what she wants for her birthday... What's the problem then? Sounds like a crack fic, but I actually can see that happen in the finale... That would make sense :) Enjoy!
Sometimes, all you need is sleep, and someone to help you fall asleep. First Jisbon one-shot, reviews always welcome. Enjoy!
"Sarah could milk a cow and kill a chicken with her bare hands and cold heart, but dancing? Impossible." Or is it? My first Corah prompt... Fluffy and bitter... Pre-canon (1892) Enjoy!
Histoire liée à 'Comme t'es belle'. Située au début de la relation de Jo et Mac. Un secret par semaine pour permettre à Jo de gagner la confiance de Mac.
Mac felt trapped here, in the middle of Alabama... Why, and what for ? Read and find out ;)
Son nom ? Jo Danville. Et elle avait fait une sacrée impression sur les membres de sa nouvelle équipe. Un petit voyage dans le subconscient de chacun de nos héros après leur rencontre avec Jo. Situé pendant le 7x01, noté M par précaution...
Mac, pris au piège, contraint à passer un weekend en Alabama pour un concours assez spécial, et une Jo ravie de renouer avec son passé de... De quoi ? Eh bien lisez ;) OS