
  • New Days, Old Tricks

    A year after Arthur is crowned king, magic-users start disappearing; and it isn't long before Merlin vanishes. Arthur sets off in search of the missing Court Warlock - and in the process meets people who were destined to become the Knights of the Round Table.(Fourth fic in the Say Cheese series.)

  • Of Rumors and Rants

    Merlin storms into Gaius' chambers ranting about rumors that are going around... (Protective!Arthur and Gaius, Frustrated!Merlin) WRITTEN FOR HANNAH LYNN MCDONALD.

  • Forsaken Talents

    We all have gifts - some of which must be protected - nurtured just beneath the surface, away from sight, out of reach; guarded and kept safe from the world until the appointed time. (Pre-series, Contemplative!Merlin)

  • Everlasting

    Henry, from a perspective of frustration on death's evading arms. Written for and inspired by Hannah Lynn McDonald! First attempt at poetry!

  • The Coming of Albion

    Sequel to The Finder! When Uther discovers Merlin's magic, Arthur admits he knew - and Uther's hatred drives him to extreme measures. But, the time of The Once and Future King may not be that far away.

  • Life in a Fishbowl

    What if Henry woke up in any water, and not just large bodies of water? From puddles, to sinks? Stand alone one!shots. What if scenarios. I'm sure there will be hurt!comfort in there somewhere, but there aren't enough genre tags, so I'll put it here. Enjoy! (Rated K or T for death scenes) CO-WRITTEN WITH THE AMAZING HANNAH LYNN MCDONALD!

  • The Prince's New Groove

    What if Merlin and the others were suddenly to be mixed up with the groove? Random scenes using quotes from The Emperor's New Groove instead of what the original Merlin quotes. Crack!fic of sorts! COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. NOT EVEN JOKING. CROSSOVER WITH EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE.

  • The Finder

    When visiting royals from another land offer Uther something that can sense magic, Arthur has to find a way to protect Merlin. (Sequel to Say Cheese! Arthur!coin!Merlin. NOT slash.)

  • Sick Day

    Arthur and Merlin are defeated by a common enemy: a virus. A virus that so happens to be the cold. Written with VanillaJ1967! No warnings. Sick!Merlin sick!Arthur. Arthur!coin!Merlin. (Meaning friendship and destiny only, no slash here.)

  • Say Cheese

    After Merlin and Arthur visit a recently capture sorcerer in the dungeons, something happens to Arthur the very next day. Something that could very well change their lives forever. (Bromance. Banter, shocked!Merlin shocked!Arthur, protective!Merlin) COWRITTEN WITH VANILLAJ1967.)

  • Run Run Rudolph

    "Well I don't see you getting in the holiday spirit," Wuornos retorted, breaking off from his dance partner into 'moves' of his own. "Oh," Duke groaned, once again rubbing a hand against his eyes, pushing them in as if he could push out the images forever trapped in his mind. (Christmas one-shot, cannon as I could write it.)

  • Past Regret

    "I'm…" the king started speaking, his voice strained, but the one word caught Merlin's full attention. "I treat you…" he continued, obviously trying to force out the words. "Horribly? Prat-ishly?" Merlin suggested with a grin. "Shut up and let me finish," the seriousness in Arthur's voice was lined with a trace of regret. (NO SLASH, BROMANCE GALORE) (Please tell me what you think)

  • Family Pride

    "None of it matters now. Things are different. It's best not to dwell on the past," Henry said. "Not if you don't deal with it before trying to push it away," Abe said thoughtfully, raising an eyebrow at his surrogate father. (Tags: One-shot(?))

  • Frozen Pain

    While away from Camelot, Merlin saves Arthur's life. Unable to get back to the kingdom, Arthur gets a dying Merlin to a cave for the night. But as time stretches on it gets colder, until Merlin is forced to use magic in the open to save the Once and Future King's life for the second time that day (Tags: Reveal!FicNOSLASH Bromance, hurt!Merlin, shocked!Arthur one!sh