

  • The Last Child of Gallifrey

    The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack come upon a mysterious child that threatens everything The Doctor knows about the universe.

  • Change Our Stars: An Unearthly Sound

    The mind of a young William Thatcher is made a buzz by a queer sound in the dead of a forest. But what are he, Wat and Roland to make of this strange man calling himself a Doctor and his fiery companion?

  • The Justice of the Daleks

    The Joker and the Daleks working in league. Their goals: destroy each other nemesis. A Tenth Doctor journey.

  • A Leaf On the Timestream

    With bellies finally full and no one around to chase them, for now, the crew of the Serenity are surprised by their close encounter with a strange blue box floating in space, the man inside it calling himself a Doctor and his beautiful companion. M for swearing in Chinese.

  • The Morning After

    Tentoo and Rose are now together, finally a couple able to express their love. But is the Doctor any good in expressing it in... that way. Exploring more of the relationship between Rose and Tentoo but keeping some elements of traditional Doctor Who stories. Mature for references to...the act.

  • Calling All Angels: A Prequel

    A prequel to my upcoming 13th Doctor Story "Angels and Ministers of Grace". A familiar would be companion has to trust a familiar but strange former enemy. And all to help a man she's only met once.

  • Promotional Material

    An out-of-canon look at how the characters of the 4077th react to some of them getting promoted.

  • Unlucky 13: The New Doctor's Case

    Gallifrey Stands! But 1000 years in a pocket Universe has led to some bad blood between the Doctor and his fellow Time Lords. Follow the adventures of a new, unlucky 13th Doctor and his plucky American companion Desmond.

  • X-Men: Nero

    Wolverine and Magneto, on a training mission in the jungle, encounter a new mutant with a storied past and a cool new mutation.

  • The Time War: Rise From Karn

    It is done; Doctor no more. Details from the first few moments of the War Doctor's life.