

  • Girl Met Boy

    Girl Met Boy. (Isn't that how all the stories start?) Freeverse Remus/Tonks

  • Iridescent

    'His blue eyes look straight at her. She nods, but in the darkness he can't see her. Addison leans her head on his shoulder and he doesn't protest. Even though she barely knows this man she feels instantly comfortable in his presence.' Addison returns to Seattle after everything start to go wrong in LA and runs into a handsome stranger. - Addison/Owen

  • Hollow Talk

    And everything goes back to the beginning. She knows she shouldn't do this, look at photos and watch videos of him so soon after losing him. Even thought it makes her feel better she knows that in the long run it just makes the pain worse. - Meredith isn't coping with the death of her husband, Alex tries to help. Meredith/Derek Alex/Izzie Oneshot

  • Perfectly Terrible

    Once upon a time there lived a girl, she had a mum and a dad and a sister and everything was perfect and then it was terrible and then, and then she met him. And just for one moment it was okay - Mark/Lexie Freeverse.

  • All in one Second

    It all started with teach me and ended with meant to be. One heartbeat, one second and it was all gone. Mark/Lexie Freeverse

  • Of Course

    She's looking for the tree decorations; that's why she's in the attic. Of course, she doesn't know who used to be here. It's when she looks on top of the wardrobe that she finds it –a large envelope with a list of names on the front. Of course, if she had put it to one side, this story would be very different. - Jo finds something in the attic that brings back memories of Lexie.

  • Someday

    'Somewhere, someday. I will see you again. It could be a Saturday ten years from now or a Friday when I'm old and grey and about to die or, on the other hand, it could be tomorrow.' Izzie muses about whether she will ever see Alex again. Izzie/Alex Alex/Jo

  • And We Just Go On

    The first time it is merely a lapse in memory. The second time there out walking in Verona and they come across two old friends of Mike who just don't know. She doesn't even say anything the third time. It's Amy next. And then it's the anniversary of Sarah's death. Of course it would come up. - The five times that Zoe and Mike remember Sarah while there traveling.

  • Reminiscence

    It was the end. That day. 'The end of an era. Alan gone, Billy dead and Martha's god knows where, and I am the only one left. It isn't the same, not at all. Shoe Lane still has the same name and is doing better than it was with Alan and Billy at the helm, but… and that's where I fall down, why isn't the fact that it's doing better enough' Clive muses about the past.

  • This is the story of a Girl

    This the story of a girl. This girl F E L L in love with a boy. ((I warn you now this story does not have a H a p p y ending.)) Freeverse Martha/Clive

  • Husband and Wife

    She walks down the a/i\s/l\e He stands by the A L T A R Their lives will be changed I R R E V O C A B L Y By this d.a.y FreeverseCain/Charity

  • We Could've Grow old Together

    We could've loved FOREVER We could've done A.n.y.t.h.i.n.g We [wanted] .. ThE TrOUbLe wAS Everyone ALWAYS Thought they had more T i m e Than they really D-I-D. Sam/Dylan from Sam's POV. Freeverse.

  • Little Lost Boy

    You've ALWAYS been the little lost boy S- -E A- R C- -H -I N -G For his L/o/s/t G I R L S (Just her really) (NiamhNiamhNiamh) Freeverse. Jackson/Louise.

  • It's When You Fall

    Character study of Jac. Jac/Jonny or Jac/Joe. Depends how you look at it. Freeverse.

  • Once Upon a Time

    Once upon a time there lived a Girl. This Girl fell in love with a Boy. Freeverse Jackson/Louise

  • But what No one sees

    He was a game she would win every time. Or was he? Freeverse Sherlock/Irene

  • Hope Is The Thing With Feathers -

    Carrying on from the end of 'Started Early, Took My Dog'. Will Jackson answer Louise's call or not?