
  • Personal Practice

    "Kind of goofy. Horrible sense of fashion (he was one to talk). Poor eyesight. Young, and over attentive. That was all he knew." Another Drabble collection connected to the others. Slight Adult Content.

  • Do Better

    "He was trying to get his life back on track. He had to think about making things right. That meant all aspects of his existence, and over half of them included Shera." Another drabble dump. M-plied Adult Content.

  • Allowed Intimacy

    A year passed after they jumped the broom and christened the honeymoon suite, and Cid still wasn't sure when, or how he was allowed to touch his wife. Rated M for Adult Content.

  • Goodnight

    Sticky hexagons on her back. Ridiculous amounts of flavoring in her tea. Cid was either getting really good at paying attention to Shera, or he had been paying attention all along. Collection of drabbles paired with the fanfiction: Good Morning. Rated M for Adult Content.

  • Gibbous

    "This sort of infliction wasn't controlled by the light of the moon. This condition was subject to the waxing and waning of his consciousness. " Attempting something different. Rated M for probable future content.

  • Second Baptism

    It's impossible for anyone to breathe on their own underwater. A Case of Shera

  • Four Hundred Degrees

    "Cid develops an unusual fixation with a knickknack he brings home from Wutai." Something a little different from what I usually write. Rated M for brief adult content.

  • Contentment

    "Rest as well as you work. "An addition to previous Cid/Shera drabble collections. Rated M for slight Adult content.

  • Behavior

    Shera's been exhibiting some odd shifts in her routine. Cid's eyes zipped away when he realized what he was thinking. Rated M for adult content. A very odd collection. It's rating is pretty accurate.

  • Three Windmills

    The Captain and his First Mate have the surprise of embarking on an entirely new sort of 'adventure'. Perhaps, they should have been more careful getting to know each other personally after a few relatively peaceful years of marriage. Complete.

  • Good Morning

    Cid tried to pay as much attention to Shera as he could. Partnered with drabble collection: Goodnight. Rated M for adult Content.

  • Closer, Disclosure, Reconciliation

    "This is me we're talkin' about. I'll whack that eight ball summoning, ShinRa prick over his head if I have to." He slanted his head to the side. There was a playful gleam in Cid's eyes, but it was gone as quick as it came. "I promise I'll come back to you, Shera." "I promise I'll be here, Captain." M for adult content.