
  • Say Goodbye

    Luella is having a hard time grieving the loss of her son, even after the funeral. Perhaps she needs a push in the right direction. Warning: songfic, sad

  • Where Are We Now?

    "I want you to look after your brother if your mother and I are unable to...There will come a time when you need to remember to do so more than ever." Now is that time. Where are they? Can they look out for each other? Can they find their way home without revealing who they are? The test of family is strong when you cannot be true with those you love. T for situations

  • DONT

    The team took a case. She now pays the price. rated because of the graphic images in my head.

  • One Question One Answer

    Something is keeping Lin indecisive about his future plans. Can Madoka get to the bottom of it? Fluffy fluff inside!

  • A Night Out

    This is a date between Cassie and Tuff. I hope you all enjoy! Happy Birthday, Purpleluva01!

  • Rush Valley

    Part of a writing challenge between Fanatic24 and myself. What is an Ed to do when he is stuck in his least favorite place in Amesteris?

  • The Path of a Law

    A law was once a theory. A theory once a hypothesis. A hypothesis once an idea. An idea once a foolish dream. Follow this progression through a certain scientist's mind.

  • How He Used to Be

    A oneshot dedicated to the passing of a great man. This oneshot is sad.

  • Visitor for Taniyama

    She broke. High T low M for content. Just wanted to try being creepy. Have I pulled it off yet?

  • Goodbye, Sev

    A poem from Lily to Severus. Sadness thought up on the bus.

  • Ghost Hunt oneshots

    Each one complete and probably thought up on the cusp of sleep. XD Story 33: Poem! Forbidden Light

  • SPR: Halfshot collection!

    Collection of half-written one shots concerning the characters of Ghost Hunt. Always incomplete, as these are half-written one shots, meant for inspiration or even just to be scoffed at. Enjoy!

  • Mai vs FanFiction

    The problems Mai will encounter with FanFiction. Will try to have solutions as well. XD Problem 5: Push Off!

  • After School Snippet

    This is a birthday tribute to PFTones3482, and I hope she likes it ! * * Some friendship Carlos D.A. I think. XD

  • Crazy

    A peek inside Taiga's brain a year after graduation. Taiga-centric, RyuujiXTaiga, song-inspired. T for implications.

  • His Tiger

    What was the most painful to him?

  • Sent You to Mommy

    Nina's happy ending. Oneshot

  • SP-Wait Kids?

    Welcome to the next generation of Ghost Hunting! Join these adorable children as they learn the ins and outs of their parents' jobs, and perhaps explore their own talents along the way! Co-authored between Naruisawesome and 14AmyChan

  • Archipelago Challenge: 30 Prompts!

    This is a summer challenge concerning the Archipelago fandom! I will attempt to post one prompt every day! Prompt 30: MY CHOICE: Cool- "Cool, she could handle, but not cold."

  • To Show He Cares

    I had a conversation with a few good friends and one of them said something that pretty much sent me into a writing frenzy. XDD Anyhoot, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Phinbella