Lance Michaels

  • Shades of Grey

    A young paramedic from Iowa finds himself in the SNK reality. His first thought? Not to get home, but how to fix it. A shameless self insert starring an idealized version of yours truly. Not much else to it.

  • Pure at Heart

    Adopted from MauMeow1. Katha is an owl who was raised to hate the guardians. But what happens when she falls in love with one? OCXOC. I suck at summaries. Just R&R, please. And be gentle.

  • Was it truly worth it?

    Once upon a time, in a land called Narnia, there lived a wolf named Maugrim. His very name brought fear to the hearts of those who heard it. But, there was one who pitied the poor wolf. One who gave him a chance at redemption. And at the end, he contemplates what lead up to this. Now a Three shot. Rated T to be safe.

  • Truth and Reconciliation

    Adopted from htffan951. Spyro and Cynder return. But there is still animosity towards Cynder due to her checkered past. And when the newly elected fire guardian manages to convince the town to banish them, things go from bad to worse. This got taken down once, so I HOPE TO GOD it doesnt again. Ask him yourself, FF admins, I adopted this story!