

  • Come Morning Light

    This was more than a journey across an unknown planet to reach New Pacifica. This was the journey of survival, and the truest test of all. Learning how to fall.

  • Drabbles: Devon & Danziger

    A series of unconnected drabbles for Devon Adair, John Danziger, or the pairing of the two. It could also showcase True Danziger or Uly Adair.

  • And Around We Go

    He stared into the fire, letting its flames consume him. Every time he touched her, as innocent as they may be, he found he almost couldn't stop.

  • Good a Day as Any

    Carol's not so subtly demand gives them more than they bargained for.

  • Drabbles: Marcus & Abby

    This is a series of unconnected (or sometimes connected) drabbles written for Marcus Kane, Abby Griffin, or the pair of them. I'm going to set the rating at K until it needs to be changed to reflect later installments.

  • Guide You Through the Deep

    He let his fingertips lightly skim the slight burn on her skin. Then he let them move slowly downward along her cheekbone then her jaw. He held her chin in his hand. He held his breath.

  • Bring Me to Life

    He had worked it over over in his mind how to explain to her what he would mean by those words, but her arms slipping under his arms and face pressing into his chest made every coherant thought slip right out of his mind.

  • I Carry Your Heart

    Their lips met over and over in the darkness. Clothes became cumbersome, and they stripped one another bare. Flashes of memories came suddenly as he laid her down in their bed.

  • Long for Me

    Modern AU. She'd only wanted some of his attention, but she hadn't expected him to get upset. It was just a game, and he'd never taken it this seriously before.

  • Let There Be Thorns

    It was a simple embrace. if one could call anything between them simple until it wasn't. It became a bone crushing hug, and neither wanted to be the first to let go. His hand cradled the back of her head as she turned her face into his chest. Time seemed to fade.

  • On Bended Knee

    When you let things grow and become what they were meant to be, you'll be surprised at what could come from that.

  • That's a Fine Looking High Horse

    His surname slid from her tongue like a disgusting curse word that shouldn't be uttered. It had been weeks (maybe months) since she'd said that particular thing to his face. Her hands shook, but she kept them hid out of sight behind her back.

  • Things That Go Bump In the Night

    His attention shifted back to the movie. He was surprised that Clarke had recommended such a quality movie complete with suspense and the right mixture of gore. It wasn't trashy. Well, the horror wasn't.

  • Hate Me Today

    (warning sexual content) Her body twitched away from his mouth. His words burned her skin. His actions made her repulsed. Repulsed and yet turned on at the same time.

  • Keep You Close to Me

    And her heart lay somewhere in the middle being ping ponged back and forth between sanity and insanity. She knew what she desperately wanted, but she was scared to admit to both herself and to him. (Companion piece to Guide You Through the Deep).

  • Nothing Left to Lose

    She gripped him tighter than she'd ever dared hope he would allow her to. Their bodies were shuddering and shaking as they held onto each other tight. The world had ended, and they'd finally begun to live.

  • If I Run

    As it was, they'd shaved three days off their original route. No body died. That was the big picture that Devon Adair couldn't see. Sure, it was kind of hairy there for a minute, but it also reminded them they were still learning how to survive this planet.

  • Snippets: A Series of Missing Scenes

    A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts.

  • Like a Moth to a Flame

    I'm met with silence. Just like I thought I would be. And that's okay. There's more than enough being spoken without actually being spoken. I turn to go, and immediately, her hand shoots out and she grips my wrist with a strength that I'm not sure either of us expected.

  • Falling For You

    He caught her wrists, tugging her forward and kissing her hard. He shifted them, letting the cold concrete connect with her back.