
  • The Girl from His Dreams

    His eyes opened immediately to the sound of a soft moan. She was at the foot of, what he assumed was a bed. Golden blonde hair cut at her shoulders, bright blue eyes burning through him as she stood there naked. It was this that made him realize he too was naked. She was biting her lower lip as he gazed at her, his own eyes hot upon her body as he devoured her with his eyes.

  • Soul Bonds and Snakes

    Harry and Daphne save each other's lives. Incurring mutual Life debts. Which then starts a unique ritual. They will be changed, turned, and made stronger. This is AU and set at the end of HBP, with most everything following the books, but a few key differences that are mentioned in the beginning. HP/DG, BZ/HG, NL/TD. Manipulative and misguided Dumbledore Molly/Ron/Cho/Gin bashing

  • No Matter What

    "James! James! Wake up. Now! This is important!" Lily whispered aloud. "Alright! Alright! I'm up. What?" James spoke aloud, only to be punched by Lily. "Sshh. Look who's in bed with us." Looking down, to James shock, and delight was their firstborn child. "How did he get here? His crib's in the next room." I think he's doing something like reverse Summoning...

  • Hogwarts University for the Gifted

    The nightmare would return sometimes. He could still feel the his fathers bloody gun in his hands, pointed at the man who'd killed his parents and mocked them. He shouldn't have had that responsibility. He was six... Mortal AU. Harry/Daphne, Draco/Hermione, Blaise/Tracey, Neville/Susan. Will be some Harry/Daphne/Tracey at the beginning of the story.

  • Bid of a Lifetime

    "I will now be accepting any and all marriage proposals for my Godson. Regrettably there is a criteria for each bloodline, which I have already looked up as I had an inkling of Harry's blood from being with his father. And remember everyone! This is the bid of a lifetime! HP/DG/FD/SB NL/HG/TD /Dumble/Molly/Ron/Ginny bashing. powerful grey harry. AU

  • Tamers of the Sea

    Ancient laws will be bent, family's torn apart, and families put together. Enemies will rise, and friends become enemies. Three mothers, blessed by their lovers, the three greatest gods of them all. With powers granted them, they protect their children. Children of the Sea, Sky, and Underworld. Children, who will one day ride the waves, and conquer the Seas. Will it be worth it?

  • Second Chance's

    "Why am I here?" "It took ten years, but Schneizel broke your Geass command, and in doing so turned against Suzaku and Nunnally. And so do deal with it, as he will "halt time", I have decided that the best, or perhaps just the most interesting, way to deal with, as you so eloquently requested. Is to bring you back and let you try all over again. See if you can rewrite history."

  • Neaniskos Sigaó Foniás

    An agency devoted to protecting the world, while competing against other agency's, and sending their graduate members on to their parent company. The children of their Prodigy team Olympus. Their children now fighting to end the battle begun by their parent's. With help, and a new agent, son of the prodigy's Poseidon and Sally, Team Genos Ischus will come together and battle on.