• The Masks We Wear

    Sibylla's thoughts as she poisons her son.

  • The Hollow Queen

    It is not until they are safely returned that she ceases to be the elegant Queen Guinevere and becomes Gwen once more. Takes place after the events of "With all My Heart."

  • Awakened

    Five years into the Golden Age, the wickedness of the White Witch lives on only in Edmund's nightmares. Yet when the Witch's faithful find a way for her to return, she will stop at nothing to win Narnia for herself. And this time, she will make sure that Edmund pays for his betrayal, without Aslan there to save him. Complete!

  • Watching Over Me

    Their plan to live separate lives lasted four days. Frary.

  • Not Yet, But Soon

    "I feel as if...I know you," Arthur said. And Merlin answered, "You don't. Not yet."

  • Thanks, Sammy

    Lucifer wants to thank Sam for agreeing to be his vessel, all that time ago. Sam just wants one day of peace. S7.

  • Two Sides of a Coin

    Merlin is to be executed, and all he can think about is whether or not Arthur will forgive him.

  • Turkish Delight

    Father Christmas arrives in Cair Paravel to a very somber Christmas gathering.

  • The Will to Carry On

    "I was willing to die," Sam insisted, but they both heard the words he didn't speak. "I wanted to die."

  • A Golden Carol

    Mr. Gold was feeling especially peevish this Christmas Eve, and decided to take it out on his overly merry renters.

  • Faramir

    Denethor's final thoughts, as he roasts upon the pyre.

  • Tale of a Reaper

    The first time Tessa met Death, she was still alive. Dying, but then, everyone dies, eventually.

  • Weight of a Soul

    A ficlet from Death's POV of the scene between him and Sam in 9x01.

  • Forget Me Not

    "It is you who should be on your knees. Now kill me, and do a better job of it than last time. " This was not how she had thought it would end. In her mind's eye, it had been Athos kneeling at her feet, Athos dying by her own hand.

  • A Second Son

    1998 movie-verse. D'Artagnan's thoughts when he realizes for the first time that Philippe is his son.

  • Susan's Reflections

    Susan had long forgotten Narnia as anything more than a few children's fantasies.

  • Emma

    Rumpelstiltskin's thoughts as he hears Emma's name for the first time and finds his memories of the Enchanted Forest suddenly restored. One-shot.

  • What's in a Name

    "Emilie. Her name was...Emilie." David couldn't even remember the name of the girl in the car. Albert was not going to make the same mistake now.

  • Saving a Traitor

    One-shot. "Then he has betrayed us all." Oreius doesn't understand why Aslan could forgive Edmund for betraying them until he sees him bound in the White Witch's camp.