

  • Once Upon a Star

    Drake/Grayson fanfiction. I'm promising lots of drama and adventure. Just let me start. Keep reading. I'm open to any criticism just don't tell me that Drake/Grayson will never be canon and I'm stupid for shipping them. This is my ship and as a shipper I'm entitled to my own opinion. I do not own the show, characters or anything from CW's "Star-Crossed". Enjoy!

  • Grayson's Diary

    This is a spin-off fanfiction from my main fanfiction "Once Upon a Star". It's Grayson's diary. His thoughts, ideas and experiences are all here. I'm planning on having a spin-off with Drake's Diary. I do not own this character or anything from CW's "Star-Crossed". Drayson fanfiction all the way. Enjoy!