

  • Cat Kisses

    Ren is going to kiss Asaka, but just not in the way she's expecting. Rensaka! Minor TetsuxAsaka! Oneshot! R&R!

  • Summer Vacation

    The Alice Academy kids' first summer away from the dark grips within the academy has them all split apart, of course, they don't stay that way for long. When a new, malevolent AAO group emerges experimenting and kidnapping alice kids, they all have to reunite. But not without a road trip! Set after Chap. 180 MikanxNatsume; Minor KokoxSumire

  • Child's Play

    "Jin, what did your parents tell you about taking home strays? I know you don't have any friends except me, but you don't have to be so desperate." Jin wants to prank Megumi so a brand new friend Freaky-Fox face, Yamigitsune, lends a hand. Jin-Megumi-Yamigitsune Friendship for all! Oneshot!

  • His New Partner

    "Natsume, please... He's not worth it. You are no murderer. I don't mind going on missions with you, because we will protect each other." Mikan gave a desperate whimper. Her cries were sad enough to steal his attention if only for a glance. How dumb she made him to forget his basic mission training: Never take your eyes off your enemy for a moment." Oneshot!

  • 100 Theme Challenge: Buddyfight Version

    "I love my big brother and don't you forget it, Kitten shirt...You think you're all big and bad, cute and blonde, tough and cool! All because of tigers! I hate your voice and that dumb tiger on your shirt!" A hundred theme challenge featuring all the Buddyfight characters! The first seventy-five are up!

  • Koko and Sumire

    #2 "Koko, what has you so obsessed with wanting your death at my hands?" Koko needs his butt kicked and Sumire is left vulnerable. Now, a collection of KokoxSumire oneshots!

  • Proposing the Hyuuga Way

    "Idiot, I'm already your maid of honor. I will be planning your wedding and picking the color scheme knowing you, you would pick clashing colors like orange and pink. You had better prepare to be my maid of honor too." Mikan tells Hotaru how Natsume proposed. Mostly dialogue. NatsumexMikan Implied RukaxHotaru.

  • Hanging With My Buddies!

    Tasuku's looking for Rouga, Gao's having a good time, and somehow Tsuki get dragged along with them though they get a lot more than they bargained for! Request for Shiranai Atsune. Oneshot! Tasuku x OC and Minor!Gao x OC