A short one-shot in Obi-Wan's point of view of Qui-Gon's death. Rated for character death.
Humanized. Private has a nightmare. Rico is there for him. No slash, just friendship.
Sheldon has a nightmare about Amy. Will Sheldon figure out why this is happening? SHAMY
Hawkeye comforts Radar after they find out about Henry's death.
Leia comforts Han after he has a nightmare. Post-ROTJ and before Han and Leia are married. Rated T to be safe.
Regulus finds Sirius having a nightmare one day and it leads to a conversation and Regulus begins to wonder if staying with their family is really worth it. Mentions of child abuse.
Sirius doesn't like storms and Remus wants to know why. Set in OotP. Rated to be safe.
Sirius Black at ages eleven, fourteen, seventeen, twenty, and during OotP. Rated T just to be safe.
Sirius ran away from home, ending up at James's room in the middle of night. Will James ever figure out why? Rated T to be safe.
Set at the beginning of OotP. Harry and Sirius have a talk late at night. Drabblish.
Fred and George at ages five, seventeen, and twenty. Warning: Character Death
George is saddened by Fred's death. But is he really dead like George thinks he is? AU. Rated T just in case.
Qui-Gon has nightmares and Obi-Wan knows about it. Master/Padawan bonding
Holt wishes he could just stop thinking about Halloween and the bad things that can and has happened to monsters on this day. What will Frankie do to help him? Holt x Frankie. Rated T just in case.
Chewbacca comforts Han the night that Leia gets Han out of the carbonite.
Beetee comforts Wiress after she has a nightmares. Beeress.
Marlene has secrets of her own, which Skipper gets her to tell him about. Skilene. Requested by catty-cat-cat.
When a human that Rico knows too well comes to the Central Park Zoo, Rico will have to face a memory that he has kept locked up. What will Kowalski, Private, and Skipper do to help their broken friend? Just friendship, no slash. Faint reference to 'Rico's Nightmare'
Rico has a nightmare and Kowalski comforts him. No slash, just friendship.
***MovieVerse*** Mother Superior has Larry, Moe, and Curly write a letter two the other two in their group saying something they know about themselves that the others don't. Rated T for mentions of self-harm.