
  • The long road

    Harry's sixth year, the war never ended after the mysterious death of Voldemort and the Potters. The continuation of the war, left Dumbledore with little option but for Harry to be raised by the Order rather than the Dursleys. The escape of an Sirius Black may finally hand Harry his much desired family but can their relationship prosper or will it be none existent. Grey/Harry

  • A sacrifice akin to the original

    AU - Lily Potter suffered from the attack in 1981, yet it was in fact a different Potter that sacrificed themselves on that fabled Halloween night. The (alive) Potter family must wrestle the challanges that present themselves in Harry's Hogwarts years, especially since the rise of Voldemort reawakens the many hidden skeletons that lurk around the Ancient and noble house of Potter.

  • The Legacies Child

    In Seventh year, James lays down an bet with Dominique that he can court the illustrious pureblooded Bella Nott, James's sleazy lifestyle might just take an hit in the process. Meanwhile his cousin Rose is the complete opposite, an prude by very definition, will the two of them get it right eventually. Pretty carefree, fairly explicit with crude language, coming of age story

  • The Complicated Pureblood

    James Potter in Lily Evans's opinion was an arrogant toerag. Yet James Potter the heir to an ancient and noble house had most of magical Britain at his feet. So while Lily remained distant others were drawn to him looking for leadership, helping James Potter become a staple in fighting against the darkness that was emerging. Will Lily follow James or will she be left behind.