Domina Temporis

  • What He Will Become

    Two companions, alone at night, contemplating their very strange situation in life, and who (or what) their alien tour guide might be. An Ian and Barbara story/

  • Good Doctor Watson-las

    I'm baaaaack. 31 days, 31 prompts for the 2021 edition of Hades Lord of the Dead's December Challenge!

  • The Winchester Family Album

    50 one-sentence snapshots of various little moments in Sam and Dean's (and everyone elses's) lives - pre, during and post series. May do more if so inspired.

  • Happy Holmes-days

    I'm taking part in Hades Lord of the Dead's December prompts this year! Yay! A user-submitted prompt, one a day for the whole month. I'll do my best to keep up with them! All will be gen and platonic, as usual.

  • Stranded

    On a routine mission, Kirk and Spock get stranded on a desert planet with only limited supplies. They, with the help of the Enterprise crew, are doing everything possible to get back to the ship but they're running out of time.

  • 5 Times Spock Went to Earth with Captain Kirk

    ...and once he didn't. What it says on the tin. Most during the first five-year mission. No slash, angst warning for later chapters.

  • One April Night

    Holmes and Watson, on the Titanic, and what happens to them that night. A story that wouldn't leave me alone once I figured out it basically did fit in Canon, so here it is.

  • Bits from the Hard Drive

    Drabble series, all the little moments of Sherlock's (and everyone else's) lives we never get to see. Basically a place to put whatever short little Sherlock stories I may write, will update periodically as the mood strikes me.

  • Bad Moon Rising

    Long before anyone solemnly swore to be up to no good, the groundwork was laid for events that would shape the lives of generations to come. A prequel of sorts to the Marauders generation.

  • The Strand Ephemera

    One-shot collection of all the moments from throughout Holmes and Watson's careers that we never see. Because they're just as interesting eating breakfast as they are solving cases. No slash, will update as inspiration strikes.

  • The View from the Diogenes

    The decades-long friendship of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, as seen from the singular perspective of Mr. Mycroft Holmes, long-suffering older brother and sometimes the British government.

  • Twelve Merry Men

    One Christmas story for each Doctor and his companions, some on Earth, some on planets far away, all Christmas Carol themed. Happy holidays, everyone!

  • I Always Knew

    One-shot, Kirk's thoughts right before his "death" on the Enterprise-B in the Nexus. Angst ahead.

  • 5 Times Sherlock Realizes He Doesn't Fit In

    From his earliest days, Sherlock has always felt out of place for a lot of different reasons. 5 moments when he realizes he doesn't fit in with society, and once when he unexpectedly finds somewhere he does fit.

  • Entering the Academy

    A young Gallifreyan is about the enter the Time Lord Academy. What he finds out at his initiation will shock him and his family, and eventually lead to him becoming a Time Lord we all know and love.

  • Death is Only the Beginning

    A long time in the future, Dean Winchester is finally ready to say goodbye. And also to say hello to someone he hasn't seen in a very long time. Warning for main character death, also lots of speculation about what may happen in the future.