
  • The Path Not Tread

    Sometimes all that's needed for enormous differences is a small change, as small as the order of a few sentences in a heated row. Lily Evans unconsciously makes one such change while arguing with her best friend, and the magnitude of consequences her actions cause holds the potential to reshape not only herself and the people around her, but their world's very future. A What-if AU

  • Naught Gold May Remain

    One-shots tying into the Marauder-Era story The Path Not Tread and covering years from the late 1800s to December 25th 1980, the collection contains additional scenes and explores main and side characters of my AU verse.

  • How Doth the World Perish

    It's the mid-seventies, and there is a darkness growing over the Wizarding World: the First Wizarding War is about to begin. But behind every conflict, there are complex events and circumstances setting the world on its doomed path,just as there are those that will allow it to survive to see one of the greatest Dark Wizards fall at the hands of a mere babe. These are those stories.

  • Ten Years of Peace (And a Few More of War)

    One-shots tying into my primary AU, where Lily Evans' different choices drastically altered her generation's paths, resulting in her changing the wizarding world after Voldemort's downfall with the help of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, while Harry Potter got to grow up with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin on stories of the (in)famous Marauders. Covering years 1980-1998

  • Padfoot and Moony's Excellent Adventures in Parenting

    Voldemort is fallen, the world is in chaos, and Sirius may be up his freedom and job of an Auror, but he's certainly down one best friend and a good portion of his heart. Oh, and he's been given the biggest responsibility of his life - really, he doesn't know what James was thinking, leaving him Harry to raise, but at least he's still got Remus by his side. They'll muddle through.

  • The Lion, The Snake and The Stone

    Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts brings with it three friends who might just help him honour his biggest role models, a Slytherin rival in the form of one Evan Snape, and a mystery to be solved involving a small package hidden on the third floor. PS retelling set in the world where Lily Evans made different choices as a young girl, that ended up changing wizarding history.