
  • Maid of Honor

    Thayet, Queen of Tortall, reclined in her chair and cackled to herself in a most un-queen-like manner. Thayet receives Buri's resignation from the Queen's Riders, so that she can meet a certain Knight Commander at Northwatch. Raoul/Buri, written as canon as possible, borrowing some scenes and paraphrasings from Squire & Lady Knight. First story by this author - feedback wanted!

  • Beak & Thorn

    In the Circle of Magic, we see Rosethorn & Crane as rivals - but they weren't always that way. They were novices, journeymen, and masters at the same temple - what happened in those days?

  • An Isle By Any Other Name

    First in a series of short stories connecting the Tortall 'verse and the Emelan 'verse. Third Ship Kisubo has made landfall at these islands for the first time. Their newest crewmember Daja is thrilled to find out that the islands are known for their beautiful copper. Set well before the luarin invasion