
  • I'm Just a Kid (And Life is a Nightmare)

    "In the center of the room, tied to a chair with a concerning number of ropes that Peter was diligently working to untie, was Rodney's son Orville." Heinz, along with a few other scientists, is recruited to help break up one of Rodney's truly awful schemes. He somehow ends up adopting another teenager in the process. One Shot.

  • The Secret Life: Your Way

    You heard me: YOUR WAY. Give me prompts or ideas inspired by my Secret Life of Candace series, and I'll change them into drabbles or one shots and post them for you. Further instructions inside. Rating can change per chapter. Now up: prompt by Jeana Star. Destroyed. Last one, unless I decide otherwise. Authors note inside explains why.

  • Plunge

    "He'd thought, his whole time with the Flynn-Fletchers, that he understood Ferb better than maybe even Phineas. The second he'd put that hat on, though, he couldn't get a read. Ferb had shut down, and sure, he'd come to his defense a few times – reminding Phineas that he'd tried to stop them, calming Phineas down in the alley – but that was just who Ferb was." Post ATSD, one-shot

  • The Only True Wisdom

    ...is knowing you know nothing. An alternate take on what could have happened in "I Was a Middle Aged Robot." One-Shot.

  • Passing the Bar

    "The letter had been brief, abrupt – OWCA, from what she gathered, was a very secretive place. She hadn't been able to find anything on it on the internet. The letter had simply suggested that she would be a good fit for the company and listed off a supervising commander to contact." Candace is highly recommended for a legal position at OWCA by a certain monotreme. One Shot.

  • Selfies

    A picture's worth a thousand words, and Perry's always wanted more of them. Being an "average" platypus means he's resigned himself to the few thousand he has. Stacy's determined to give him a novel. One-Shot.

  • Nightmarish

    When you've saved the world as many times as Phineas, Ferb, and the gang have, you end up collecting a lot of trauma that manifests in the one place your brain is vulnerable - dreams. Four nightmares across four seasons with four characters in desperate need of a hug. Really, though, it's insane how many times these kids fall. One Shot.

  • Toothache

    "One second, Ferb was dangling in the last car on a picnic basket themed ride, watching as Isabella escorted Phineas away to talk. The next, he was being zapped with some weird laser, and then he was falling from said picnic basket themed ride and onto the hard metal of what felt like a laboratory floor." One-Shot, post "It's No Picnic"

  • Gratitude - or, a Lack Thereof

    "She had literally the best friends in the entire universe, friends who were willing to spend their whole day celebrating her, going on with some crazy scheme to make sure that she had the best day ever, they were willing to give up their time with her to let her have her biggest wish, and she…she hadn't even thanked them. Not really. Not in a way that mattered." One-Shot

  • Theme Songs

    Post a kidnapping attempt, the kids are allowed to keep their memories of Perry being a secret agent and are invited to explore his lair. In their snooping, they get their hands on an old copy of a certain CD. One-Shot.

  • Walk a Mile

    "She blinked several times and then turned back to her front, tugging fur out of the way in various places, her heart sinking more and more. Bruises, scrapes, cuts, even a couple of burns, some old, and some very, very fresh, littered her entire body. Littered Perry's entire body." One Shot, set during Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat

  • Come Out With It Already, Would You?

    "His chest felt tight, and his fingers fumbled on the pencil. It rolled into the crease of his book and stayed there. His friend's faces morphed from confused to concerned, and suddenly Phineas felt like if he didn't leave, if he didn't escape, he'd be suffocated." or, everyone is gay and I like writing self-indulgent coming out scenes. One Shot.

  • Return of the Rogue Rabbit: Reprise

    'Perry tapped his bill again and Stacy winced. "Great. So my best friend is obsessed with an evil, rogue bunny. What do you need from me?"" - or, Return of the Rogue Rabbit from Stacy's perspective.

  • A Picture's Worth

    "Irving's fingers twisted around each other. "None of them…none of them remember. Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Isabella – none of them remember yesterday.'" Or, the few remaining people who really and truly remember the events of the Second Dimension get together to discuss, and Irving has to figure out what to do about his secrets. One Shot.

  • The One Percent of Days

    "He wanted to tell them. He wanted to explain, he wanted them to know, wanted to complain about his day to them and sit down with hot cocoa and hear about their invention that he missed yet again. [...] He wanted to tell them, and he couldn't." Perry has a truly awful day, and he contemplates the one person who actually does know his secret.

  • Question Nights

    Why was her most recurring dream (Jeremy aside) of Perry as a secret agent? Why did she have vivid memories of hallucinating him as one, when her grandmother had explicitly told her that she hadn't even touched the moss that made people hallucinate? Where did he go every day? One Shot.

  • We'll Figure This Out

    All of the comics, all the movies, they always had one thing in common: it was dangerous for civilians to know superhero's identities. There was a reason Perry acted mindless around them, Ferb had realized. He was keeping them safe, and maybe even preventing himself from having to leave. And so Ferb did what he did best. He kept his mouth shut.

  • From the Top

    With a cast as crazy as the Voltron crew, you're bound to have a lot of mishaps on set. This is a collection of those mishaps, bloopers, and behind the scenes moments of Voltron: Legendary Defender. Currently up: Season 8, Episode 2

  • Run the Night

    Voltron hasn't been seen in nearly ten years. The Galra have taken control of Altea. When Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are caught one night searching for Pidge's missing family by none other than the Princess herself, they join forces in the hopes of re-making Voltron, saving the city from the Galra underground, and putting an end to Zarkon's gang once and for all. Modern AU

  • Compared to a Life

    Rated high T for mentions of suicide, self harm, and LGBTQ and racial discrimination (contains slurs so please use caution). As Randy checks up on the town one night, he comes across a girl his age on the edge of a building, ready to jump. Can he keep her from falling? Or will he reveal all to save her? One Shot