
  • Days When The Rains Came

    AU. It was the era of peace, love and flower children. All Julie Taylor wanted to do was to become a part of that, and she does, as she experiences what some consider to be one of the most significant moments in the history of music.

  • Don't Wait For The Sky To Clear

    Instead of being strong and moving on, she holds on to the one thing that she can't have, that was never hers.

  • Answer No To This Question

    But the thing she liked the most was that she had found someone to be lonely with, because at the end of the day that's what they were, two lonely people trying to get by in a small, lonely town.

  • From The World That Lays Ahead

    She doesn't know what to say, so, she doesn't say anything at all. It's kind of hard to find the perfect words to say something you know is going to change everything, you know?

  • It Ain't Never Gonna Stop

    She nods at something Tyra says, but she's not really listening because the only thing on her mind is the conversation she had with Tim last night.

  • The Sound of You and Me

    Shermer High School. Shermer, Illinois. January 2014.