
  • The Vanguard Alchemist

    AU. Alchemists: people able to use the mysterious art of alchemy that work in the shadows to take down creatures called Chimeras, or people using the scientific knowledge for criminal activities. (Warnings: Summary may change. Dark themes in future chapters.)

  • Crow at War

    When Yata receives an Iris Message in the early hours of the morning, he heads for New York to join his fellow demi-gods to fight against Kronos' army, leaving only a short note behind. Needless to say, HOMRA was not happy when he returned. Gen.

  • Dinner Time Under a Kotatsu

    Fem!Yata. Written for my guest reviewer 'Matari'. Scene is taken from K: Days of Blue. '14 year old Yata Misaki danced around the kitchen, humming lowly to herself as she cut ingredients and tossed them into a pot for dinner...'

  • An Average Day

    Just an average day in the life of Yata Misaki. Fem!Yata. 'Waiting for the walk sign to turn green, Yata tapped her foot with increasing awkwardness...'

  • Project Fantasy

    In a world where Demons and other supernatural creatures live peacefully among humans, one Yata Misaki, the last Crow Demon, heads for Shizume to escape her pursuers, not knowing she had lived there as a young child and she had been taken from her Mate within the very same City. Too bad Misaki resolves to hide from the Kings, but Mikoto is equally determined to find her. Fem!Yata.

  • A Crow Ascends The Clouds

    Fem!Yata. Character death. Takes place in same universe as my other story 'Life as a Secret Tom-Boy'. Need not read to understand. Takes place sometime after the movie K: Missing Kings. Only slight spoiler mentioned in passing. 'Misaki gasped for breath, hands pressing her blood soaked jumper against the bleeding stab wounds on her chest and stomach...'

  • My Story Ideas

    Just ideas that've popped into my head. Please note that not all of my ideas will be about Harry Potter, though most are crossovers. All of them are up for adoption. Rated T coz I'm paranoid

  • Brothers are Troublesome

    In which Mikoto, Kusanagi and Totsuka are over-protective, Yata annoyed, and Chitose completely terrified. Fem!Yata. Rated for language. Now a two-shot!

  • Life as a Secret Tom-Boy

    For as long as Misaki could remember, she had been treated and raised as a boy. Fem!Yata. Title may change in the future. Pairings undecided. Being re-written due to a few inconsistencies I found.

  • Generation I - Names and Their Meanings

    Title says it all. Pokemon names and what they mean in not only English, but in other languages as well. All information comes from bulbapedia.